Role Based Access Control

Role-based control system exists because of a number of factors, including multi-users and multi-application online systems. The roles are assigned as per the task at hand and the competency of the user. It should be noted that the role is assigned by the management to a post rather than a person.

There are different types of users using accounting application in use. This should not mean that all users have equal access to the information generated during the course of the business. This equal access for all is not desirable from a number of views, including security risk and the risk of secrecy. It if for a reason that applications differentiate between types of users. Users can range from super users, admin and users. Within each of the type, there can be sub-types so that the work of the organization is run smoothly without any obstructions from within.

The hierarchy of the roles is decided by the management. The hierarchy can be understood from the names themselves: Super users, Admin and Users. Super users are at the top, with access to everything, including changing the attributes – adding, removing, changing – of Admin and other users. This changing authority of super admin is also extended to the attributes of the business. The “user” ones have a bare minimum of access to administrative functions; rather, they are allowed to make a little change, that includes adding or removing attachments, loading default settings. This part is also able to be created by Admins.

Having assigned the roles, the concerned user is authorized to the issues that have been demarcated. It is this assignment of roles that makes for a clear hierarchy, which makes management easier. This does away with multiple logins and multiple passwords associated with it. Role based system also makes economical sense as all the users can use a single resource – here accounting application – and this makes further processing of work even streamlined. The way hardware and software are shared among the users, assigning role within a system makes sense considering the financial gains that can be made.

Also reduced is the cost of monitoring the employees as well as the administration costs. Likewise, any changes to the existing system, including an addition of new staff and therefore there will not be a manual assignment of duties. While there are different types of users, what should not be confused is that these personnel can be brought together – usually, it is the ones who are horizontally rather than vertical similarity. This makes collaboration easier.

In addition to collaboration, security administration is also facilitated by role-based access. And the security is of the financial information as well as of the assets of the business. This has implication for foreseeing a properly implemented internal controls. With a single source from which to monitor the users, there is low administrative cost as well.