Fixing Up Your Child’s Bathroom

Making the kids bathroom unique is fun and easy to do. Get yourself a pen and paper and sit down with your kids and ask them a few questions. First rule of thumb is NEVER ask the kids “Hey John and Mike we are going to decorate the bathroom what would you like to do?” Why? Because they are children and you will get all sorts of colors and ideas that might be amazing, but then might also start a fight and confuse the heck out of you. So okay now I hear you asking what questions should I ask them? Well let me give you a list that will give you many great ideas:

What are your favorite colors?

What are your favorite TV shows or movies?

What kind of things do you like to do?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite Books?

Okay that is enough to get you going. Now take the ideas the kids gave you and put them together. First, what is your favorite color? If you have one child it’s easier, of course if you have more then one, things get a little more interesting. Let’s stick with John and Mike for our examples and say that John likes blue and Mike likes green. Great now you have the colors for the room. Two colors can be fun. You can go one of two ways. Number one would be stripes, paint the whole room blue and then, when dry, tape off sections for stripes and paint just those green. My suggestion would be that if you have a small bath area, then go with light colors. You can get some paint chips of different colors you like from the blue and green paint family and ask Mike to pick the green he likes and John to pick the blue.

The second way to go is to find a border you like and paint the top half of your wall green and the bottom half blue and when the paint is dry use the border like a chair rail to cover where the two colors meet. What borders do I pick? Well that goes along with the theme and we will address that shortly.

Question number two was, what are your favorite TV shows or movies? Okay here, depending on how old you kids are, may have to help a little. If they give you seven different shows and movies well you may have to narrow it down a little. Say the boys like the movie cars, well that’s easy. You can get borders for the movie cars at most home improvement centers, or if you like you can order them on line. Shower curtains are fun and there are also many themed that you can choose from or if one does not fit what you want then pick one with fun colors that fit the colors you already chose.

The final question, what kind of things do you like to do? Go to the beach, play ball, walk the dog. What ever it is just pick a few and run with it. You can go to your local craft store and find soaps that you can make into shapes. Sponges that can be cut into shapes. Your toy store or dollar store will have blow up balls or fish, lots of different fun bath toys. For your sanity later on I would also purchase a tub or bucket of some sort to put all the toys in and always enforce the rule that all bath toys must be put away when bath time is done.

You can always do as much or as little as you want. There are bathroom rugs, curtains, bathtub stick-ons poster for the walls. There are many great on line store like They are not to expensive and have almost anything you can think of. The sky is the limit and your kids will think you are brilliant.