Kitchen Tools Scavenger Hunt

The past several weeks we have had groups of kids showing up at our front door asking for different things for their scavenger hunts. I thought to myself, why could not I do a scavenger hunt with my cooking friends to gather food supplies to make a meal using small kitchen tools?

I thought of several different things we could do, and decided on the following format. I told each of my cooking friends to bring their favorite small kitchen tool to our next get together. Of course, they all wanted to know what I was planning. I told them just bring your favorite small kitchen tool, wear comfortable shoes, and you will be given more information when you get here. Now, looking at all the different types of small kitchen tools available, I needed to figure out what could be done with each one. So, I set out making a list of all the things that each tool could be used for.

When my six cooking friends arrived, I asked them to put their kitchen tool on the table. I made a list of the following tools: slotted spoon, whisk, spaghetti fork, grater, strainer, and a paring knife. As for my part, I would be supplying all the pots and pans to prepare the meal. Being Italian (as are some of the other ladies), I'm thinking we need to make an Italian meal. I next instructed the ladies to think about the tools that each had bought and decided what you could make for lunch using those tools. Well, they put their heads together and came up with what they thought they could make. I said that sounded great, so here's your next task. Decide what ingredients you need and make a list. Once the list was completed, they all thought I was going to the store to purchase these ingredients. Hold on there I said. Your next task is to go around the neighborhood and collect the ingredients you need. Of course they all thought I was kidding. I said, ladies welcome to the small kitchen tools scavenger hunt. Again, they put their heads together and away they went.

When they returned, they had collected the following ingredients: can of Tomato Sauce (pull top), can of Tomato Paste (Tube), head of Garlic, small onion, jar of Mushrooms, Green Bell Pepper two pieces of Celery, three small baggies with Thyme, Rosemary, Sage and Oregano in them, half head of Ice Burg Lettuce, small containers of Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil, and Vinegar, package of Pasta, and four Sweet Italian Sausage. From my refrigerator they "borrowed" a chunk of Parmesan Cheese.

Since the ladies had worked so hard at obtaining all the ingredients, and needed a little rest, we all sat down with a glass of wine to discuss how to proceed. Certainly all the tools they bought would have completed the task of preparing the lunch meal. The ladies planned how they would go about preparing the meal. Without further ado, I placed all the pots and pans on the counter that the ladies had requested. And before you knew it, the aroma in the kitchen smelled delicious. While they were preparing the food, I set the table and listened to all the stories of cooking with their grandmothers and mothers. Stories that will be cherished forever.

As the food was cooking, we all sat down to talk about our little adventure. We all agreed that it was an interesting journey, it was fun, had tested our ingenuity and had shown us, when we all work together, anything can be accomplished.

Now it was time to sit down and enjoy Spaghetti with Sausage Sauce, Small Green Salad with Italian Dressing and a glass of red wine. Oh yes, I did go to the store for a loaf of French Bread. What could be more enjoyable than a delicious Italian meal, prepared by good friends along with stores of families cooking together?