Online Marketing Tools – Avoiding the Pitfalls

There are many things to consider when deciding what online marketing tools you should use. The fact is that if you want to be thoroughly confused, do a Google search on the subject and you will find everyone and their dog trying to sell you something … and most of it is junk.

Online marketing tools are different for everyone and every niche but there are common strategies that all online marketers should use. Before I begin, I want to point out that these are my opinions of what online marketing tools should be used. This subject is a moving target and part of having an effective online marketing strategy is staying educated and informed about what is most useful.

The most important advice that I can give is to do your research. There are many facets of online marketing and each one has to be researched continuously so that you can make a well informed decision when it comes time to implement the strategy.

The best online marketing tools are ones that are set up previously before anyone knows they exist. What I am referring to is a well designed website or blog. My personal preference is to set up Word Press blog. There is a time to market the site but not until it's ready. Do not get me wrong, letting your Facebook, Twitter and other social networking friends know that you are working on it is fine. Just let them wonder in anticipation that something great is going to happen. Building up hype about what you are doing is one of the greatest online marketing tools there are. Just ask Apple and Steve Jobs … they are the masters of it.

Make sure you have the look that you want and all the links are working on your site so that you can keep people coming back for more. Once you launch is not only important to get them to your blog or website but more important to keep them there. If you have unoriginal content, broken links and disarray, you will just drive them away … and that is not good. One last thing on Word Press blogs … there are a multitude of online marketing tools embedded inside of Word Press in the form of plug-ins. Be sure and utilize this resource because it can make or break your site.

Once you have your website or blog set up then it is time to implement the strategy or strategies that you feel are important to you. The best way of deciding on what tools to use is to do a self evaluation. A good way to start is to pick one strategy and master it before you move on to another. You only have one shot at making a first impression so make it a good one.

Some of the online marketing tools that can be used are article marketing, video marketing, affiliate marketing, social network marketing, link exchange and search engine optimization or SEO. Of course, the best way to make an immediate impact is to engage in all of these strategies simultaneously but like I said before, pick one of the online marketing tools, master it and move on to the next one.

Keep in mind that there are strategies inside of strategies. For example, there are ways of article marketing that will work and ones that will not. Again … Do your research. This goes for every strategy that anyone could come up with. There is nothing more powerful than knowledge.

The most important thing to remember is … there is NO SILVER BULLET! Do not get thought up thinking that there is a short cut in your strategy and development of your online marketing tools …. There just is not. The good thing is there are people out there that are willing to help you if you need it.

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