Choosing the Right Designer Bag

This is the cruel question when trying to find the perfect new bag to add to your collection. Which designer do I choose? I have an endless amount of handbags, but I am still always on the lookout for the next must have item to add to my collection.

When looking for a new handbag, there are a few critical factors to be considered:

1) Is the bag stylish but practical? This SS11 season we will see smaller cross-body and camera style bags. Messenger bags have transitioned from last season to this, with a drastic change in size. The great thing about a smaller messenger bag is the ease in changing the bag shape from casual to an evening accessory. Just change the strap!

2) Does the bag look good on me? When trying on designer handbags, and before shelling out all that cash, you must consider if the bag suits you. What is the point in spending all that money on a bag that you will wear once or twice due to the realization that it just does not work with your body type.

3) The color. If this is your first designer handbag, do not go for a color just because you think it will be great in the summer as a bright. Go for a more neutral color, which you can transition from season to season. Once you realize your love for the company you can become more adventurous and go for the blues, oranges, and pinks!

4) Do not get a replica. Designers work very hard to produce new and original styles and collections, so support them and save for their products. By buying a "fake" you are supporting those that are constantly trying to rip off real designers.