A 1930's Computer

I'll never forget the day that my brother, who runs up his own department in a major software company, came to my house with a box full of computer parts. He told me it was time that I got with the program and join the twenty century. He built this computer right in front of my eyes. I'm using it right now to write this article. It considered of spare parts he picked up from work. It's slow but it works for me. I have worked on-line using this "1930's" computer (his words) for years.

I did not have a clue on how to use this thing. So I made plenty of phone calls to my very patient brother. I was fast becoming a thorn in his side. I'm sure he asked himself more than once 'why in the world did I give him this computer'. But I quickly began to pick up on how to operate my fasinating new "toy".

I had the basics down. It was now time to get connected to the world. When I opened my first dial-up account I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I was bothering everyone I knew with, 'Are you on-line? You have to check out this site! Hey what's your email address? ' I joined chat rooms and surfed around aimlessly. Then, like a bolt of lightning from cyber space it hit me!

I received a slice of spam in my email. The subject line jumped out at me like a revelation. It simply said, "Work from Home with Your Computer, Earn Big Money!" Something like that anyway. It was some so-called biz-op. Some get rich quick trick. It opened up a whole new world for me. No more hard labor. No more nine to five (it actually was more like nine to nine).

This was my focus now. Money making opportunities. My head was spinning from all the seemingly perfect opportunities out there. I jumped all over the place. From one opp to another. I joined every affiliate and mlm company I could find. I lost a lot of money. I got bruised, burned, and bit! But … I learned a lot and never wave up!

I kept telling myself that if they could do it, so could I. I pressed forward. I got smarter. I looked for opportunities that were right for me. I learned to sift through all the hype and find the programs that I would be able to work. The important thing to note here is that I never wave up. I never quit. I fell flat on my face more times then I would like to remember. But I just got up, brushed myself off and kept going. I did not care what anyone said. I would not give up. I would make it happen.

Shakespeare wrote, "That has not half the power to harm me, as I have to be hurt."

Conrad Hilton said: "Success … seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving.

This is how you make it to the end of the road to success.

Get hurt..Don't Quit!

Hit a stumbling block..Keep Moving!

So in the end, it's not the capital that you have to work with or the speed of your computer, it's the 'not quitting' that counts..I'm doing just fine with my '1930s' computer …..