The True Cost of Pet Ownership

Many people get carried away by the idea of bringing home a new cat or dog. After all, who wouldn’t fall in love with a cuddly puppy or a cute kitty cat. Owners picture themselves spending long afternoons walking their pup or curled up in a chair with a purring kitty cat. The actual logistics of pet ownership are all too often an afterthought, especially with television shows and movies making dog and cat ownership seem like a dream.

Even those who spend a few hundred dollars on a purebred dog or cat may not be fully aware of how much their furry friend will cost them over the life of the dog or cat. Often, people think the costs begin and end with the purchase price of the animal and the cost of food. However, that is only scratching the surface.

Dogs and cats require shots and other healthcare. An annual visit to the vet is standard. Most of the shots are required within the first year of life, so you can expect to fund the biggest bills then. However, annual rabies vaccines are usually also required. These shots can protect your animals from all sorts of illnesses and failure to get proper medical care for your pet can result in the early purchase of a dog urn or cat urn, an eventuality that most pet owners hope to put off for a long time. Even basically medical care can run a few hundred dollars over the life of the pet, and that doesn’t even account for extra costs you may face if your animal gets sick and needs surgery or lifesaving meds.

Treats, toys, pet bedding and other necessities can also add to your total bill. Dogs and cats need food bowls, entertainment, a place to sleep and a place to play. Failure to spend the money on these items can result in even bigger expenses when your cat scratches your new sofa because you failed to purchase a scratching post and your dog eats your expensive shoes because he has no chew toys.

If and when you go on vacation, which you probably will at some point during the life of your animal companion, you’ll need to account for the care of your furry friend. Some people bring their animals with them, at a cost of a few hundred dollars for a plane ticket or for a pet premium in a hotel room. Others pay to board their pets or have pet sitters come and walk or feed them. These costs can also mount over the lifetime of the pet.

Finally, when the day inevitably comes to say goodbye to your pet, you may have to put your beloved companion to sleep. You will also want to honor your pet with a pet memorial stone and perhaps a funeral service with friends and family gathered next to the pet headstones.

Overall, the cost of a pet can be an estimated minimum of $4,000 ranging up to much more over the life of the animal. Be sure you are ready for this before you bring that new family member home.