Sculptures As Pieces of Autographed Art

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Sculptures are great works of art that many people automatically over look. People know that they are works of art but are so generally familiar with the idea of ​​painting and photography as art that they do not stop to consider the fact that sculptures can be collectible pieces of art as well. These sculptures can actually be worth a bit more money than simple paintings, however, for they can be a direct representation of a celebrity, showing that person for who they actually are. Some of this is collectible and some of it is not, but either way it can produce a great effect for all of its viewers.

There are famous wax museums which take the likeness of a celebrity and make a life-sized, accurate model of the celebrity. They can make this celebrity in a variety of poses, from something simple and everyday, to a famous position from one of their movies or game plays. It is actually considered to be quite an honor to have a wax figure made of yourself, it shows that you have achieved a level of celebrity status that would make people want to see your likeness in a museum. These pieces are not for sale but can wonderfully illustrate the level of quality which can go into a sculpture of a celebrity.

Other forms of celebrity sculptures exist which are collectible. You could potentially collect bronze castings of celebrities, from images of their faces to castings of their hands. In these cases, the celebrity usually works closely with the artist to help them craft the sculpture and as a result, a work is produced which is a direct model of the real celebrity. It captures their hands or faces down to the last, real detail. It can be quite an impressive celebrity piece. Unfortunately, these pieces are also incredibly expensive because usually only one or two models of this collectible exist in the world. They can sell for many hundred of thousands of dollars.

Some collectible sculptures are produced which immortalizes an actor in a certain role they have played. These sculptures can be as small as an action figure all the way to a life sized model. The prices of these sculptures can vary greatly but all of them have the potential to be highly collectible items, which would naturally increase the monetary value of the piece. These additional sculptures are additionally usually produced in a limited edition number, marking the number of these pieces which exist in the world.

Naturally, the value of a piece is greatly increased if one can manage to get the celebrity's autograph bestowed on the piece. Sometimes this can be easy, for if the celebrity worked closely with the artist to produce the piece, it would be natural for them to sign an official certificate verifying that the piece is valuable and genuine. Other times, for items which are more mass produced, obtaining an autograph may be a bit harder. With a little luck and persistence, however, you may be able to meet the celebrity and convince them to autograph something related to the collectible, making it a piece that is much more rare and valuable.