A Birthday Is More Than Balloons – Involving the Kids to Be a Part of the Birthday Decor Prep

What is the one thing that kids get most excited about? Yes, you got that right, birthdays. But in a time where the gadgets overpower almost everything, it is a necessity to involve kids into more physical yet fun activities; Activities that would add up to their fun quotient and would get glued to their good memories. Sounds fair right?

So, every question demands an answer and we will be answering your “how’s” in two very basic solutions that will help the modern kids celebrate a basic birthday in a much more enthusiastic, frolic and fun manner, that too, gadget free and that is what we consider the best part (but, you can definitely use the gadget to capture the moments the kids create for themselves.)

Bring out the inner Picasso from within your kids

Engage your kids in little competitions and see the tiger within them unveil. Cover the party room with white sheets of paper and set up a basket with various types of colors- sketch pens, dry pastels, oil pastels, color pencils, sparkle pens and more such similar stuff. Now, allot a particular section of the wall to the kids and ask them to make anything on the theme “birthday”.

When it comes to decorations, just hand some colored chart paper, ribbons, safety scissors and glue and the kids will amaze you with their charismatic art work. Help them put up their craft work along with other decorative materials and see the room change from zero to bling.

You’ll be stunned to see how creative kids can get when given an opportunity to showcase their talent. Best birthday party alert!

Make them the master chef and let them explore with the food

Set up little tables and put in it dry foods such as bread, chips, chocolates, dry fruits, cheese, milk, and biscuit etcetera. Set the kids up in a group of 2 or 3 and ask them to make anything they want (make sure there is no gas or anything that is flammable or harmful). Provide the little ones their apron and chef hat and watch them set the kitchen on fire (not really!).

After the kids are done with their recipes, pass them on to the one another and let them enjoy their own little feast. Also, don’t forget to bring a cake as a reward for all the hard work their tiny hands did.

Ideas come naturally to kids and all they need is a little bit of exploration. With an arrangement like this both the party and the kids are going to be a massive hit.

Just a reminder: A birthday party is more than just balloons, having a piece of cake, giving and taking of presents and having good food. Psst… Those days are gone!

Involve your kids in activities in a birthday party. The more active they will get, the more fun they will have.

P.S. don’t let anyone burst the balloons though.