Pet Cemeteries Versus Backyard Burials

Deciding where to bury your pet is one of several difficult decisions you will need to make after losing your dear friend. From simply dealing with the grief of the loss, to determining details of the memorial service, to deciding where to bury your pet, making so many decisions can be absolutely overwhelming.

Some people prefer a more formal approach and opt to bury their pet in a pet cemetery, complete with pet memorial stone. Others want something more organic and natural and decide to dig a grave in their backyard where they can bury their pet close to home. Either choice is fine – whatever feels most appropriate for you – but both have different points to consider.

There are pros and cons to each, depending first on the proximity preferred for the pet’s remains. The main benefit to a backyard burial versus using the services of a pet cemetery is the fact that you can visit your pet anytime, day or night. The ability to just walk into your back yard and spend quiet time at your friend’s grave serves as a real comfort when still reeling from the loss of your pet. Moreover, you can put accessories, such as a pet’s favorite toy or candle, by the gravesite whenever you feel like doing something extra to memorialize your pet.

However, it’s hard to match the professional service of a pet cemetery, which will not only take the reins in helping you get the service planned and executed, but also will take charge of the burial process, which can be a relief to pet owners who are still dealing with their pain over the loss. Dealing with all of these details is often times just too much to handle.

Pet cemeteries are also expertly maintained, which means that you don’t have to worry about accidentally mowing the lawn right over your pet’s gravesite or dealing with animals digging up the remains of your pet because you weren’t able to bury him or her deep enough. A pet cemetery takes care of all of these particulars and ensures that the proper burial protocol is followed, including placement of the pet memorial stone.

Cost is also a consideration as it costs virtually nothing to bury in your pet in your backyard (just the cost of a pet memorial stone), while it can be fairly expensive to utilize the services of a pet cemetery. This is certainly something to consider if cost is a factor in how elaborate your pet memorial service will be.

The main goal of a pet burial is to find a way to say goodbye, share the cherished memories developed with your pet over time and to give your friend just the right final resting place. That said, whichever method of burial you choose, however elaborate the pet memorial service, whichever type of pet headstone you choose,and whatever steps you take to memorialize your pet are decisions to think through carefully. Whatever helps you to get through your grief and honor the memory of your pet, then that is the route you should take as you come to terms with the pain losing your dear friend.