Slow Computer Fix – How To Fix Your Slow Computer Without Calling a Technician

Is your computer running really slow? Is it driving you mad? Unless you are very lucky it will happen to your computer sooner or later. What you do to fix this is very important, especially if your computer is infected with malware or has system errors and you need a slow computer fix.

Sometimes adware, malware and spyware try to install themselves as a normal program, but it will be something you have never heard of or may sound like a similar program to try to confuse you. If you are not sure remove it from your computer. Go to Add and Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel and get rid of any programs you do not recognize or you are sure you did not install.

There are so many websites infected with malware and just visiting them can infect your computer. You do not even have to click on anything, they install without you even knowing, or trick you into installing spyware and this can cause your computer to crawl along and generate errors and you need to get rid of this malware to stop your computer running slow and to get a slow computer fix quickly.

Over 90% of these errors are caused by windows registry errors. The registry stores and updates information on every piece of software and hardware in your computer and if there are any errors in there windows will crash and keep generating errors and will slow down as well and leave you looking for a slow computer fix not knowing what is causing your problems when with a few minutes of your own time you can fix then yourself once you know what is causing them.

These errors can be scanned for and fixed with a system and registry scanner. The important thing here is to use a good scanner that will detect the errors quickly and fix them. This will not just scan for registry errors but a system and registry scanner will scan your computer for malware as well and other system errors, not just do a quick registry scan and leave half the problems there.

Once you remove these problems your computer will start quicker and run quicker and you will be safer and your personal data protected and there will be no errors that are about to cause your computer to crash. If your computer is running slow scan it now for a slow computer fix.