Harry Potter Rave

It is amazing to think about how the Harry Potter craze has captured the imagination of people all over the world. It does not matter if you're struggling with the business of living in some Third World country or happily ensconced in your glitzy Park Avenue penthouse in the Upper East Side of New York, chances are the Harry Potter craze has captured you and your ilk .

Harry Potter's appeal transcends race or income bracket, culture and religion, sex and sexual orientation. The great majority of people simply love it. The appeal of powerful wizards and supernatural evils is certainly heady stuff. It's like one big rollercoaster ride where no one knows what's going to happen next. Perhaps the one sure about this whole Harry Potter craze is that there will be a next installation of the series coming soon to a theater near you. And probably another one after that, and another, and another …

For the more perceptive ones around us, the Harry Potter craze is no surprise. The books were great fiction (JK Rowling must be laughing himself silly now, all the way to the bank). Admittedly, the first of the series of books did not make a huge impact right away, but children across the world quickly made on. Soon enough, kids could not stop talking about Harry Potter and were constantly in a frantic search for all the Harry Potter material that they could get their hands on. And, expectedly, parents soon got into the act and started looking into the newest buzz amongst their kids. They began reading the books and may of them hooked into Harry Potter craze. That the book series was converted into a series of films was only inevitable. But one still has to take their hats off to the film's producers and creators, because they have been able to translate the magic of the book into the big screen, making Harry Potter and his dazzling adventures even more larger than life.

Admittedly, some adults do not fancy the movies as exactly their cup of tea. But others did fall in love with the series much like they fell in love with the Star Wars epic before that. There's nothing like breath-taking sorcery and the battle of good versus evil on a grand scale to make us forget the price of theater admission. Among kids, however, one would be hard pressed to find a single one who was not crazy about the whole thing from the very beginning.

It does not matter if you've read the books or not. In fact, it severely matters if you've seen any of the previous Harry Potter films. All you have to do is catch one of them (or the very next one) and you will be thrilled to the core. The worldwide web and your favorite DVD store (or Amazon.com) are other good places where you can pick up on the Harry Potter magic.