Bathroom Cleaning

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More muck than magic? Follow these straight forward cleaning tips to remedy any bogging 'bathroom!

Useless old wives tales or effective old fashioned cleaning solutions? You decide.

A blocked sink is an unpleasant sink …

You may never need to use a plunger again. To prevent your sink from blocking, pour a cupful of salt and boiling water down it every couple of weeks.

Be creative; make your own duster …

Mix together one cup of lemon oil and one cup of hot water. Dip a lint free cloth in to the solution and leave it to dry. When the cloth is dry it's ready to use.
The lemon oil picks up the dust and gives your bathroom a gorgeous citrus aroma.

Clean mirrors, the easy way …

Make up a weak solution of vinegar and water, using a soft cloth, wipe the mirror clean.
Use coffee filters to dry the glass, leaving it smudge free.

Fabulous fog free mirrors …

Spray the mirror with shaving foam, and wipe clean. Repeat this every couple of weeks for a fog free reflection.

Mopping, get it right …

The key to a stain free floor is not to let your bucket water get too dirty, try using two buckets instead. Leave one bucket empty and fill the other one with water, cleaning solution, washing up liquid and a cap full of bleach.
Mop as normal, but squeeze the dirty mop in to the empty bucket. Genius!

Stainless steel, it does not rust so keep it clean …

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon on to a cotton wool pad and rub over the stainless steel. The lemon juice will lift any residue marks.

Get rid of rusty ring marks …

Product cans are usually to blame for the nasty rust marks left on your beautiful white bathroom surfaces. To avoid this, clean the can with a wet cloth and apply clear nail varnish to the bottom it. This simple trick will seal the metal and prevent rusting; alternatively you could do the same with cello tape.

Get fresh with your bathroom carpets …

The best advice would be to get rid of the carpet altar, but as it can be pricey there is something cheaper you can do instead.
Mix together half a cup of baking soda, half a cup of cornflower and 15 drops of essential oil. Scrub the mixture in to the carpet with a stiff brush, leave it over night and vacuum the next day. Do this monthly to ensure a sweet smelling carpet.

Not on my walls …

Crayon marks on walls can sometimes be tough to shift, simply use hairspray on the stains and remove with a clean cloth. This method should not be used on papered walls.

Cleaning Chrome …

Rub fixtures with half a lemon or some baby oil, your choice. This method will leave your bathroom chrome sparkling. To keep the shine for longer, rub a bit of liquid hand soap over the chrome.

Get top tiles …

An old toothbrush is ideal for cleaning muck and mildew off of grout. Use a bleach based bathroom product if it is proving tough to scrub off.
Once it is clean apply a coat of tile sealer, this will keep the grout looking new.

A few easy cleaning tips to help you on your way to a bathroom bathroom and a happier you!