How To Pick Up Girls During The Cold, Gray, Stay-At-Home Winter Season

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If you live in a cold city you've probably noticed that people tend to socially hibernate during the winter season. I knew it all too well as I lived most of my adult life in Chicago. In my opinion, there is no better city in the world to pick up girls during summer in Chicago, it's like a Mecca for hotties. Yet as the months wear on into the fall, then later into the winter, the nightlife slowly dwindles down. Bars that were shoulder-to-shoulder packed in July become ghost towns by January. I do not blame anyone either. Walking to the bar when it's 3 degrees out, with the piercingly cold wind hitting your face, trying not to slip on your ass from all the slush on the ground … IT IS NOT FUN! When you're cuddled in a warm bed watching family Guy, it feels like such a better option.

Consequently, most guys drop off when the winter hits. It's just too easy to be lazy. This is a huge mistake that can really take a hit on your development. Progress that was being made during the summer and fall go out the window once you take a 4 month leave of absence. Once you go out to pick up girls in the Spring, it feels like you've starting all over again. So treat the winter just as you would the summer. Continue getting your butt out of the house and meet as many women as you can.

Since the nightlife does take a hit during the winter months, your game plan needs to change with the season. In this article, I've outlined some killer strategies on how to pick up girls during the cold, gray, stay-at-home winter season.

Find a Rotation During The Fall

To many guys, winter season = girlfriend season. It's just so damn convenient to be in a relationship when it's sub-zero weather out. Again, dealing with the bar scene during the winter is not the most fun in the world. When you're sitting at home in your boxers watching the snow pour like it's no tomorrow, calling up a girl and chilling at home is just too convenient. In fact, this is something I would recommend if you're in a position to do so. It's okay to sit back and reap the rewards of your labor during this time.

During the fall, start relocating a woman you're looking into girlfriend status. If you do not want a girlfriend, then start building up a solid rotation of girls to "hang" with – preferably at least 3.

Online Dating Is Key

If you're not in a position to have a "winter girlfriend" and are looking to meet new women, online dating is one of the best routes you can take. You'll be able to pick up a plethora of new girls during the cold winter months in the convenience of your warm home. There are millions of women who are just as lazy as you in dealing with the cold and are also looking to meet a new partner during this time of the year. In fact, online dating services get their peak activity from users in the months of November – February, with Christmas / New Years season being the highest. This can be a goldmine to meet women so take advantage of it.

Popular Bars Of The Week

Although bar / club activity hits a rock bottom in the winter, there's usually at least 1 venue each day of the week that is still popular. You pretty much do not have a choice but to go to these places during this time.

Find out where the drink specials are because that's where people will go. Dealing with the weather sucks, but the motivation to go out kicks in once people find out there's a bar that serves $ 1 beers. I've been to bars where it was packed even when there was actually a blizzard outside just because the drink special for the night was so good. Go to and find where the best drink deals of the week are. More than likely there will be a good amount of women congregating at these places.

Work With What You Got

This is not the time to be all picky with the women you approach. I'm not saying to throw your standards out the window and start dating fuglies, but you have to work with what you got. This is not the summertime where there are an endless supply of women to go up to. Winter is a different ballgame and you will not have as many chances to approach. So take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.

As long as there's 1 or 2 women in the venue, that's all you need to work with. Sack up and go talk to them. I've seen plenty of success at places where it was a hardcore sausage fest and there was only a handful of women to talk to.

Work Your Daytime Routine

Since the night scene is often times non-existent, make the best use of your daytime routine. On your way to and from work, there's A TON of women walking around that you can approach. If you work in a big office building, then try and meet new women in the common area during your lunch break. You'll find at least a few cute girls to talk to at the supermarket, especially during weekday nights.

During Christmas season, shopping malls are filled with women shopping for gifts. Go up to them and have them help you pick out a gift for your little nephew. Health clubs are packed with women, especially during the winter time. Right after New Year's, EVERYONE is trying to shed those extra holiday pounds, so you can meet more women there than you can at a night club.

If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to pick up girls during this time. When I was working on this stuff, I'd look at ANY part of my day as an opportunity to meet women, no matter how ridiculous. I remember I'd be in a traffic jam on the highway and see a cute girl alongside my car. I'd tell her to roll the windows down and start talking to her then and there. To me, as long as there were a female in my vicinity, I did not have an excuse not to make it happen.

Use The Weather To Your Advantage

The cold weather can be used to your advantage. Since it's such a pain to walk outside, this is a perfect excuse to stay inside the house. If you're meeting up with a woman, tell her to meet you at your place. Since the weather sucks say "Yeah I do not feel like dealing with all the cold right now, let's just watch a movie in." Think about it, her being at your place is just that much closer to the bedroom that it would be if you were at a Starbucks. Often times the biggest logistic you have to work around is just getting them inside your house in the first place. This is not an issue when the weather sucks.

Do not Stop, Get It Get It

The most important point is to NOT-STOP what you are doing during the winter season. Guys naturally get lazy and want to stay inside the house when the weather starts getting colder. This can kill whatever progress you were and leave you just as bad with women by the time Spring hits. I've given you enough ways to pick up girls during the winter season in this article so you have ZERO excuses not to get off your butt and start having some fun. Once you do, you'll often find winter season really is the season for giving … and for receiving. 🙂