Fun Facts About Emirates Airlines

Many of us have had the pleasure of traveling in an Emirates flight at some point of our lives. And all of us know that Emirates has earned a name for itself among the best airlines of the whole world. Well we are here to enlighten you about the going ones of this airline and the vast empire behind it. We have collected some fun facts that are bound to astonish and surprise you at the same time. So gain some knowledge and broaden your horizons by reading these fun facts about Emirates Airlines. And if you have not done it already then start booking your airline tickets for your summer vacations starting today.

1. The center for all activity for Emirates is in Dubai. Seeing as this is an Arab owned company this should not come as a shock that the headquarters would be located in the gulf too. So if you want to find out where everything is happening, just venture to Dubai and see with your own eyes.

2. The entire airline fleet consists of large body vessels which allow all the users to have sufficient personal space while flying out to their destinations. This also gives you a more luxurious and comfortable ride which is the trademark of Emirates Airlines.

3. Emirates are also the provider of the many of the world's longest nonstop commercial flights. In duration these flights range from a minimum of 12 hours to a maximum of 16 hours without stop. These flights are from Dubai to Los Angeles, Houston, and San Francisco. So if you plan to go that far, is not it better that you travel in luxury?

4. According to recent reports, Emirates is also a company that cares about the environment. Seldom do we hear major business tycoons caring about the impact that they have on the environment. Yet here we have Emirates who not only care about it but have also gone to long measures to help reduce the impact of their services on the environment and to improve the condition generally. They have also worked over the past years to help come up with and implement some amazing policies that allow them to conserve up to 50% of the energy that they initially used. How cool is that! The engines used in their fleet save fuel that is worth more than millions of dollars. So they save the environment and in the end make savings for themselves too.

5. The first class services offered by emirates are completely unbeatable. If you have a first class ticket then get ready to be pampered until you feel like you're a queen or a king. Because that is exactly what emirates will do for you.