Starting Magic Tricks for Kids

Magic performances geared towards children are where a lot of famous magicians get their start. It is one of the aspects of magic where money can be made by amateurs, and children tend to be a receptive audience so it’s a great place to build confidence and hone skills.

Special considerations can be taken when performing for children. For example, it will almost certainly be a close-up show performed with props the magician can fit in his car. Especially complicated tricks might be wasted on children, so visually appealing tricks and tricks that involve a lot of audience participation will usually be more appropriate.

Patter, as well, must be geared specifically towards children. Stories that are easy to follow as well as slapstick humor go down particularly well. Costumes, something the magician generally wants to steer clear of, are perfectly acceptable for children’s performances.

Brightly colored props integrate well into children’s magic performances. Things like change bags, handkerchiefs, and foam balls should get excited reactions. Juggling impresses children as well, if it’s a skill you have at your disposal adding it to a children’s performance may be a good idea.

Change bags are a popular magic prop that allow the user to perform all kinds of tricks, such as making objects disappear or turn in to other objects. There are a few different styles of change bags to choose from. Some work with a switch or pull tab, while others are more manual and require the magician to flick his wrist to produce the effect. Some have zippers on the bottom to prove to your audience that it is indeed just a regular bag.

This is a change bag routine that is easy to perform and amazes children of all ages. The only required props are a change bag, and six brightly-colored handkerchiefs. In this routine three handkerchiefs are placed in the bag separately. After a bit of magic they are removed, except somehow they have tied themselves together.

The trick really performs itself, but it is up to the magician to make it entertaining for his audience. Preparation is as simple as tying three napkins together. You should have three sets of two matching napkins. For example, two red napkins, two blue, and two yellow. Take one of each color, tie them together, and place them in the change bag’s secret pocket.

Now all that comes is the performance itself. A zippered change bag is nice because you can let the children examine the bag and touch it without giving away the trick. Because you aren’t pulling anything solid or complicated out of the bag, no one will be able to feel anything in the secret pocket.

The rest is simple: just place one of each napkin in the bag, say some magic words, give a few taps with the magic wand, and produce the napkins that have been magically tied together. Kids love magic wands, by the way. Energy levels and excitement will be the deciding factor in how well the trick goes down.

One fact is certain, kids love magic. They will be an infinitely more forgiving and receptive audience than adults. So long as the kids are entertained, laughing, and generally leaving their parents alone for five minutes, the parents will love the act and recommend you to their friends.

There is some decent money to be made performing at kid’s birthday parties, and it’s a great way to finance your magic interests in the beginning. It’s hard to feel guilty buying that new trick when the funds are coming from your very own magic performance.