Shoe Inserts For Running – Arch Supports Fight The Foot Pain

Hitting the Road

Pounding the pavement can be a great way to get in shape, blow off some steam, listen to your favorite playlist on your iPod, or just to spend a few minutes alone with your thoughts. This popular form of exercise is beneficial to your heart and circulation but can be very stressful on your knees, back and feet, especially when preventative measures are not taken.

Common Running Related Pains

Because running is considered a "high impact" sport, there are a lot of foot related injuries that can be caused by running. This is due to the fact that when you run it magnifies the effect of your weight hitting the ground by 2-3 times.

Injuries can include shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner's knee, twisted ankles, and stress fractures. Many athletes try to work through the pain of these injuries without giving a second thought to serious foot harm or prolonged trauma to these areas. These injuries can be compounded when runners neglect to properly support their feet while running.

Sadly, some runners will spend close to $ 200 on a pair of good running shoes, but forget to invest in actually supporting their feet. Shoes alone can not give you the support, balance and stability that arch supports can. Wearing arch supports while running can decrease the likelihood of the aforementioned foot pains and provide a more comfortable exercise experience.

Shoe Inserts For Running Help Keep You on Your Feet

When you run, your foot flexes and absorbs the shock on the body hitting a hard surface. Wearing shoe inserts like arch supports while you are running, can properly cradle your foot and its arches and give the much needed support to the ball of the foot. The ball of the foot is where the "spring" in your step occurs and eases your steps into a fast and smooth pace. The balance a good arch support shoe insert offers can increase your longevity while running.

Insist On Personally Fit Arch Supports (Shoe Inserts)

Every human runs differently and every human foot is different. Because of this, an arch support or shoe insert, bought from the Internet or grocery store, simply will not do. An arch support needs to be personally fit to your foot. In fact, more damage can be caused to your feet by using improperly fit arch supports. Shoe inserts, especially because the stress to your body running creates, should be custom fit to your feet and shoes by someone trained to fit arch supports. A personally fit arch support could mean the difference between a healthy, happy run or a slow, painful walk.