Learn Muay Thai Kickboxing

One great way to transform your personality for good is to learn Muay Thai kickboxing. It is a highly effective way to tap and boost all your hidden assets, while to shed off all the unpleasant habits, etc. that you may be having.

Let us study the Muay Thai training pattern. When you will go to learn Muay Thai, your training will have two broad divisions – a.) the body conditioning activities and b.) learning the actual Muay Thai techniques.

Why the body conditioning activities?

The basic objective of the Muay Thai training is to learn how to Muay Thai kickboxing. So this question might come in your mind that why you should go through body conditioning activities.

The reason is simple. Learning the actual Muay Thai techniques is a highly strenuous and physically demanding affair. The body conditioning activities help the trainee develop his physical and mental strength to the level that he is able to withstand that strain and hardships.

The constituents of the body conditioning activities

The main constituents of the body conditioning activities are as follows –

Running – You will have approximately 18 km running per day, divided into two slots with one each for the first and the second half. During both the halves the running will mark the beginning of other training programs.

Stretching ¬- There will be around 20-30 minutes of stretching exercises everyday. That will make your body highly receptive to the other exercises and training activities. Stretching exercises are crucial before activities that entail controlled muscular strength and flexibility. Other benefits of stretching exercises include muscular elasticity enhancement.

Shadow boxing – You have to practice shadow boxing most likely in front of a mirror. That will help you to observe and perfect your technique and aim the punches, elbows, knees, and kick at your own figure. Shadow boxing is extremely helpful in preparing your muscles before stronger physical activities.

Bag work – You will have to practice kicks on a heavy bag for around 60 minutes per day. This will help you a lot to develop conditioning and muscle memory (the body’s ability to memorize or perform automatically a well rehearsed motion). Another great benefit of bag work is the development of shins.

Practicing with Thai pad – Thai pad practicing is the central point of Muay Thai training. It will help you to practice punches, kicks, knees and elbow strikes.

Rope jumping/skipping – On one hand it warms up your body. On the other hand it helps you develop your stamina and co-ordination.

Medicine ball (a.k.a. exercise ball, med ball, fitness ball) – The medicine ball will help you enhance the strength of your abdominal muscles.

Speed ball/bag – It will help you to intensify your punching skills, including hand-eye coordination, rhythm and timing.

Double end bag (a.k.a floor-ceiling bag, crazy bag, reflex bag) – The double end bag – hooked up by two thin elastic ropes to the ceiling and floor – is used as a good equipment for target practice and timing equipment.

Weight training – The weight training exercises aim at developing the strength and size of your skeletal muscles. It will actually have a positive effect for your overall health.

Body weight resistance exercises – It will include push-ups, squats, squat thrusts, pull-ups, dips, etc. They will result in developing your athleticism (balance, body control, co-ordination).

Weight loss – a main benefit of the body conditioning activities

One of the main benefits of the body conditioning activities will be a huge weight loss. The tough physical exercises will help you to shed every bit of extra weight.

The other benefits of the Muay Thai training as a whole –

The other benefits of the Muay Thai training as a whole include the followings

Diet regime – You have to follow a strict diet regime while you learn Muay Thai kickboxing. And naturally it will have various positive results. For example, it will also help you a lot in shedding your weight. Moreover, a healthy diet is also helpful for other health matters like cholesterol factors, etc.

De-addiction – While you learn how to Muay Thai kickboxing, you will have to stay away from all sorts of addictions like alcohol, smoking, etc. This will effectively help you to de-addict all sorts of addictions you have, if any.

Self-defense skills – The Muay Thai training will teach you some great self-defense skills. These skills will be a great asset for you, even if you never compete in any Muay Thai fight.

Sound physique – A significant outcome of the training will be a great and enviable physique. That is undoubtedly an asset irrespective of your profession, lifestyle, etc.

An extreme self-confidence – Mastering the tough Muay Thai techniques will elevate your self-confidence to an extreme height. You will discover your hidden power, and will recognize the real potential and talent that you stand for.

So you can see how beneficial it is for you to learn Muay Thai kickboxing. It not only trains you in a great martial art, but also presents you with various other positive sides. It helps you to discover your real talent and power.

It helps you to develop highly beneficial habits (like an effective diet) while cutting down harmful habits like smoking, alcohol, etc.

In a nutshell, it gives you a new, dazzling personality ensuring a new life. From a so-called ordinary person, you turn into an outstanding and attractive personality.

So do not waste your time anymore. Enroll yourself with a good Muay Thai training school, and start learning this great invention of mankind.