Airline Safety – Children Flying Alone

The big day has arrived and your child is making their first airline flight alone. The reasons behind a child flying alone are many. The trip could be a result of relocation by one parent or grandparents and extended family being located in a different geographical area of the country. What ever the reason for the solo trip, it will be a big event for those involved.

Depending on the age of the child, it could be scary or exciting, or maybe a little of both. Airlines promote and display a great care for children flying alone and have set in place a system to guide children through to their destinations with ease. The immediate care of the child while on board a flight is similar to any passenger, however; stewards or stewardesses are usually the prime caretaker between destinations and are responsible for getting a child to the proper gate if there are plane changes. Airlines will typically charge for this service and the cost will vary depending on what airline a parent chooses to use.

During the course of the flight, it is helpful to the child if they have along a favorite item. These items may include a music device for listening purposes, an electronic game or a favorite book to read. Items of comfort such as a favorite blanket or stuffed animal are never a bad idea either. Airplanes can become cooler in temperature during flight and a blanket will alleviate the possibility of your child becoming cold. If they have a pillow they would like to bring along, that should be considered as well. Most items a child would find very comforting will fit into a small carry-on, such as a backpack. In the same backpack, a snack should also be available to your child in the event of a flight change or delay.

Understanding that airlines today are attempting to minimize the amount of luggage brought along by passengers, as a parent or guardian, you still want your child to fly comfortably and safely. Following these tips should create a smoother experience for your child while they are learning to travel. They may even look forward to traveling in the future.