Italian Vegetable Seeds

Some might ask, “Why grow Italian vegetable seeds?” Why bother with going international when there are already plenty of seed companies in the U.S.?

One reason is that there are Old World strains that just ‘have that certain taste’ that comes with a specific variety not offered from U.S. growers. You can be assured that some of these Italian vegetable seeds will do very well here. At, they maintain that Italy has much the same climate in the south as southern California and their northern growing temperatures match that of some of our own northern states. They do suggest that a head start may be necessary because Italy has a longer growing season.

Of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that an area’s soils contribute differences to each vegetable’s taste. Different soils can alter flower colors from the same batch of seeds. Wine made from identical grapes grown in different soils taste different. So it just stands to reason that Italian vegetable seeds don’t necessarily make veggies that taste ‘like the Old Country’!

But you’re welcomed to try! The types of Italian vegetable seeds offered include basil and fennel. Can you imagine what a really good Italian dish would be if you got the ‘original’ fresh spices instead of the dried American counterparts? You might not even like the result it might be so different, but wouldn’t it be a hoot to try?

Other Italian vegetable seeds available include the entire gamut of the vegetable line. At, they even have an end of season special, where you can order bulk seed packets at a discount! Again, don’t forget about eBay, which is a buyer’s dream, international and otherwise. Cucuzzi Seeds hosts a vegetable seed auction. You just might nab a bargain.

Whether you are a connoisseur or an eclectic gardener, you might enjoy trying some of these special order Italian vegetable seeds as a way to spice up your gardening for 2005. If you do, let us know how they grow, and more importantly, how they differ in taste from the your local store-bought veggies!