Myths About Taj Mahal

From the time of the construction of the building it has been the source of an appreciation transcends traditions and geography, and so private and emotional responses have constantly been harming the educational review of the monument.

Very old myths hold that Shah Jahan was planning a monument to be constructed in black marble crossways the Yamuna River. The thought originates from imaginary writings of Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, a European tourist who came to Agra in the year 1665. It was said that Shah Jahan was removed from power by his son Aurangzeb before the construction was over. Remains of blackened marble crosswise the rivers in Moonlight Garden, Mahtab Bagh, appear to sustain this myth. Nevertheless, excavations performed out in the 1990s bring into being that they were stained white stones that had looked black. A more convincing hypothesis for the origins of the black tomb was confirmed in 2006 by archeologists who renovated portion of the pool in the Moonlight Garden. A dim reflection of the white mausoleum could evidently be seen, proving Shah Jahan’s fascination with equilibrium and the positioning of the pool its

There are many details that describe the deaths, dismemberments and mutilations which Shah Jahan allegedly imposed on several architects and craftsmen connected with the tomb. Some tales claim that those occupied in construction signed declarations committing themselves to have no involvement in any similar design. Related claims are made for many renowned buildings. No proofs subsist for claim that Lord William Bentinck, governor-general of India in the 1830s, apparently planned to knock down the Taj Mahal and sale off the marble. Bentinck’s writer John Rosselli declared that the story arose from Bentinck’s thought of raising the money by the auction of discarded marble from Agra Fort.

In the year 2000, India’s Supreme Court discharged P.N. Oak’s appeal to announce that a Hindu king constructed the Taj Mahal. Oak maintained that beginning of the Taj, in addition with other historic constructions in the nation presently credited to Muslim sultan’s pre-date Muslim profession of India and therefore have a Hindu origin. A more graceful tale narrate that once a year, at the time of the monsoons, a single drop of water falls on the monument, as enthused and stimulated by Rabindranath Tagore’s explanation of the tomb One more fable suggests that pounding the outline of the finial will cause water to come forward. Till today, officials find traces of broken bangles close to the silhouette.