Basic Hydroponic Gardening – Advantages of Using Hydroponic Gardening Techniques

Gardeners have dreamed of ways to grow plants (particularly vegetables) all year in any climate. Growing plants, in soil, in front of windows works well but is has a limited capacity since there are limited spaces and limited hours of sunshine in most window locations.

You might want to consider Hydroponic Gardening. Hydroponic Gardening can be carried out inside your own home or in greenhouses. It has great advantages for older gardeners who no longer feel comfortable digging holes, weeding – bending and stooping in general. You can raise your Hydroponic gardens off the floor and work with them at a comfortable height. No soil is used, thus no back breaking digging or lifting of heavy pots.

Inexpensive Hydroponic grow systems can be home made or you may purchase one of many complete kits are available on the Internet. There are a number of excellent books available in addition to many videos with a Google search of “Hydroponics + Youtube”. If you are comfortable using hand tools you will be able to use materials found at your nearby hardware store. Plastic buckets, tubing, pumps etc. can easily be adapted for Hydroponic grow systems.

If you are not particularly handy with tools, you might consider starting with an inexpensive complete kit. Hydroponic kits can also be purchased and can save you lots of time and effort. In today’s market you can even buy specially designed self-contained Hydroponic closets in various sizes which have grow lights, pumps, Hydroponic plant boxes, and nutrient systems that are particularly suited to urban living.

Here are some tips for successful Hydroponic Gardening and Hydroponic Growing Systems:

Make certain that you have the right lighting, humidity, location and temperature in your Home Hydroponic Gardening spot. The location of your garden should be in a high traffic place in your home in order to assure the maximum amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Optimum temperature should be between 65 degrees and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Median humidity is appropriate.

Once you have selected your location, you will need grow lights, a timer, Hydroponic grow boxes, and other Hydroponic supplies in order to set up your Hydroponic gardening system. Go as big or as small as you have room for.

Your grow lights are an integral part of your Hydroponic home gardening system. You will want to begin your young plants on 8 hours of sunlight per day for a while. Be careful not to use too many grow lights or too many hours of sunlight as over exposure can harm your plants. If you want to experiment with lighting levels, introduce more lighting slowly.

A key to successful Hydroponic gardening is obtaining and maintaining the best balance in the nutritional formula used to feed and maintain your plants. pH levels are of great importance. Plant roots must be maintained in this nutritional formula in order to produce healthy vegetables, herbs, flowers. Beginners should probably obtain one of the prepared formulas on the market. The ingredients should comprise: calcium nitrate, potassium, nitrate, potassium phosphate, and magnesium sulfate.

You will also need sulfates, copper, iron, zinc, boric acid, and finally magnesium chloride. Best usage of this formula would be every day for fourteen days for young plants, then every seven days once your Hydroponically grown plants reach maturity. Fortunately, there are many fine hydroponic suppliers that can simplify the nutrients for you. You must also create optimal absorption rate in your plants. This can be done with proper air circulation using an air pump and hose.

Gardeners are finding Home Hydroponic Gardening a great method for growing year round crops. Imagine fresh red tasty tomatoes in December. Fresh herbs all year round for seasoning your meals. With the bonus of fresh beautiful flowers year round.

For more information,to watch training videos, purchase hydroponic growing kits, supplies, and grow lights please visit our website.