Self-Improvement: What Are You Thankful For?

This past week I had both of my sons with me for a couple of days. Each of them left home many years ago and have established their own homes and families since then. Because of time demands and distance we don’t get to see each other very often anymore so we really do enjoy the times when we can be together.

This week reminded me to be thankful that Rob, Mark and I share so many things:

1. History – Even though there is a six-year age gap between the boys we all have some common memories of the past. Often one or two words will remind us of something or someone and our minds are immediately taken to a place or event. Everyone knows all the details from back then so we don’t have to do any explaining. Communication is easy!

2. Interests – When Mark was only six years of age, he became a newspaper carrier in his older brother’s delivery “empire”. The two began curling together the following year and they were on the same rink until three years ago when Mark moved to Medicine Hat. They were also on the same ball team for years. They both cheer for the Riders and are avid sports fans so any conversation between them usually involves the latest scores and schedules.

3. Values – Rob and Mark work hard and treat people with kindness and respect. They share the same spiritual beliefs and are devoted family men. They follow the Golden Rule of “Do unto others are you would have them do unto you”.

4. Goals – Both of my sons strive to make the world better, not just for themselves but for others. They know the importance of ongoing education, update their own learning on a regular basis and support their children in their academic pursuits. Rob and Mark are both committed to healthy goals that include enhancing their careers, maintaining their health and supporting each other.

5. Relationships – We all share the same relatives, of course, and we have also built many common friendships over the years. Caring about and sharing information about their lives is an important bond that also unites us.

6. Fun – Even though we all work hard, we have also learned to play hard. Sometimes this involves teasing each other in a healthy way or sharing a good joke. It also means that we can enjoy things like swimming together, encouraging the next generation or sharing a new idea. This summer we all travelled to eastern Saskatchewan for their only cousin’s wedding and two weeks later returned for my sister’s funeral. Even though there was sadness, we also had lots of laughs and enjoyed visiting with other friends and relatives.

The thing that I am most thankful about is that Rob and Mark love each other and are very loving towards me. They are always very respectful and interested in ensuring that my needs are met. This might involve building a new website for my business, ensuring that the air conditioner is fixed in my condo or making sure that I am taking care of my health.

I am so thankful that my sons have grown up to become such good men and that I have opportunities to be with them.