Eat Your Dessert First – Inspiring Insight For Your Soul and Spirit

Not long ago, I met a lively woman in her early 60’s who had a dark spot on her pastel flowered blouse. My eye was drawn to the discoloration and she looked down to see what I was looking at. She immediately began to rub at the spot and said, “Oh, that’s chocolate ice cream–it was delightfully delicious! I ate my dessert before dinner tonight. Life is just too short to miss out on chocolate!”

The four food groups are known as a gage of what’s good for our natural bodies. However, dessert isn’t on the pyramid! Everyday living feeds us the recommended dosage of “shoulddas, woulddas, and coulddas.”

As women, most of us wear so many hats and juggle so many acts. If it’s not work issues, it’s family or relationship challenges. Something’s always waiting in the wings to keep us on our toes!

Life is not promised. We only have now. Sometimes we can benefit by breaking out of the routine pattern of orderly doing. Occasionally eating dessert first might be just the right touch to add some light-heartedness to the seriousness of everyday living.

Gloria Thomas Anderson, MSW

Columnist of: Inspiring Insights For Your Soul and Spirit!

© 2006 Heart Tones