Who Started Multiple Streams of Income?

This is one of the questions that came to my mind in the

new year and I started pondering over it.

Who was the first person to start multiple streams of income?

Was it Aristotle or Plato?

Was it the Ancient Greeks or Egyptians?

Was it The British, Europeans or Americans?

Was it the proverbial Africans?

Was it Christians, Muslims, Hindus or other religious sects?

I even thought maybe it was invented in Harvard Business School

or Cambridge University.

Friends, it was never any of the above.

No! No! No!

None of these could have done it though they were great thinkers.

In fact my research shows that it was invented and started a longtime

ago even before all these great thinkers were born.

Finally, I discovered the answer.

God was the one that started it all.

God planted and designed a garden that must be constantly fed with

water so that it can keep its lushness and evergreen colour. More so,

that all the living creatures in the garden can get supply from the

garden and remain alive.

God put the Man inside the garden of eden so that Man can have

pleasant food and other supplies. So, God set up 4 different Rivers

to keep the garden with constant flow of water. (Get a Bible and

read Genesis 2: 8 -15) . He set up 4 multiple streams of water to

keep all the living things alive in the garden.

Guys, why did i bring this question up?

I propose that everyone should operate minimum of 4 multiple

streams of income.

Engage in additional products and services, businesses, charity,

affiliate programs and help more people realise their dreams.

The more you do it, the more you will get satisfied with your life.

Thank God that He started it all. You too can operate multiple

streams of income.

A friend of mine told me something; “You will get everything you want

in life if you will only HELP enough other people get what they want in their lives”