Differences Between Real Fur Hats and Fake Fur Hats

The inhabitants of the polar region and places close to the polar region use furs to make quality headwear to endure the chilling cold winter. This fur varies from shape, size, texture, and colors. There are synthetic and Natural furs and they differ in quality and durability. You might want to know the difference between them to preferably choose the best quality fur hats to keep yourself warm all throughout the cold winter.

Natural fur is the renewable and sustainable resource which is comparatively environmental friendly than a synthetic. Natural fur is organic matters that are biodegradable, unlike synthetic furs. Synthetic furs, for instance, like other synthetics and plastics which are made out of petrochemicals do not break down and remain on the landfills harming the natural habitat of the animals and plants living on the earth.

Natural fur has the ability to endure adversity and return to its original form quicker than a synthetic; it also lasts longer than synthetic when cared for properly and in an ideal manner. Industry manufacturing natural furs have entered into an agreement with the International Humane trapping standards to ensure, comply and improve the welfare of the wildlife. Sable fur hats, mink hats men, sable hats are examples of natural furs which are taken from Sables and minks (In the wild and ranched both). Abercrombie, America Apparel, Billabong, The gap, and H&M are few brands popularly known for synthetic.

Ways to differentiate natural from synthetic or faux fur hats:

Look for labels when you buy a hat.

As the value of utility and quality of natural is more than a synthetic fur, therefore, the price of the faux hat will be relatively lower! So, do not let the price fool you in any way.

When you slide your fingers through a real fur a smooth, soft and sleek feel will pass through your fingers. On the other hand, faux furs are comparatively coarse and rough to touch!

Check the base of the fur for skin or fabric-checking the base of the fur can help you identify a real fur hat from a faux. When you push aside the fur and look at the material at the base, if you find the base to be white or tan, then it is natural. On the other hand for a faux fur had you will probably find threadworks beneath the fur.

Check the tips of the hairs- If you minutely go through the structure of the hairs in the fur you will that the hairs in a natural fur will taper. This can be done by plucking out one of the longest hair and examining it.

The burn test- This can be done to find out that a hat you had in possession is a real fur or a faux. Like human hair, the hair of the animals smells the same when burned; while fake fur hats made out of petrochemicals or polyester does not. We recommend that you do not conduct the test with the furs intact to the garments. The test should preferably be conducted by an adult who has a good sense organs.