Seabuckthorn Plants

Seabuckthorn plants are very popular, and have many uses: Landscaping, cosmetics and food, to name a few.

The berries of Seabuckthorn plants are juicy and a great source of Vitamin C. Certain types also contain Vitamins A and E. The leaves attract Ash Pug moths, and provide food for their larvae. The berries are also eaten by many types of birds.

Seabuckthorn plants present a challenge to gardeners in that they are very thorny – this can make harvesting the berries a potentially dangerous task, and one that must be undertaken with great care. A common solution to this problem is to remove an entire branch and then freeze it. The berries should then fall off easily. You should take great care for the welfare of the plant, if you decide to use this method in your gardening – don’t cut away too much, or the plant may not produce any berries at all the next year.

Another use of Seabuckthorn plants is as a “security” plant. Planted around the edges of your garden, they will deter most opportunist thieves – it’s a cheap alternitive to a barbed wire fence – and it looks a lot nicer too.

Commercial cosmetic companies are just starting to realise the true value of Seabuckthorn plants – the berries have been used in traditional medicine and treatments for generations, and their high vitamin content helps them to treat many different conditions – they can contain up to 6 times as much Vitamin C (per 100g) as an Orange!

Seabuckthorn is one of the most useful plants in the world, which makes it very rewarding to grow. Don’t be put off by any negative comments by other gardeners, it can take some serious work to grow Seabuckthorn plants successfully, but it’s ultimately worth the effort in the end.