How to Copy and Paste

This is one of the easiest functions that there is using your computer. You have something on the screen that you want to copy from one place and paste it to another. The first part of this article will show you how to copy and paste everything on the page. The second part will show you how to copy and paste just an item, or part of a page.

Part One:

Copy and Paste all items on the page.

  • 1. Click ‘Edit’ from the toolbar at the top of the page. (Word 2007: click select)
  • 2. Click ‘select all’ from the drop down menu that appears when you click ‘Edit’.

Everything on the page should now be ‘Highlighted’

  • 3. Click ‘Edit’ again. ( World 2007 only: Ignore this step)
  • 4. Click ‘Copy’ from the drop down menu that appears when you click ‘Edit’.

(Word 2007 only:Copy is displayed in the home tab on the left) You now have everything that was on the page, copied to what is called your Windows Clipboard. It will remain there until you either copy something over it, or you turn off your computer.

  • 5. Now go to where you want to Paste what you have in your clipboard.
  • 6. Click ‘Edit’ from the toolbar. (World 2007 only:Ignore this step)
  • 7. Click ‘Paste’ from the drop down menu that appears when you click ‘Edit’.

(Word 2007 only:paste is displayed in the home tab on the left) See how easy that was? You can ‘Paste’ what is in your Clipboard over and over.

Part Two:

Copy and Paste a single item or group of items on a page.

  • 1. Hold your pointer over the item and carefully click on the item enough to ‘Highlight’ it.
  • 2. Drag your pointer across the item or items so to ‘Highlight’ everything that you want copied to your clipboard.
  • 3. Now ‘Right Click’ on the highlighted portion of the page.
  • 4. Click ‘Copy’ from the drop down menu that appeared when you right clicked on the page. You should now have the item or items in your Windows Clipboard.
  • 5. Follow the same steps as above to ‘Paste’ it wherever you want to.

You should have this mastered in no time at all.