The Best Running Shoes For Your Feet

If you have been running for awhile, you already know that your sneakers are the most important tool you can buy when it comes to your sport. If you don’t already know that, get ready. Wearing the proper shoe is imperative to your safety and performance while running.

Whether you choose to run marathons, run to relieve stress and reconnect with nature, or if you are just trying to get in shape, comfortable shoes are incredibly important. With this in mind you may set out to the large sporting goods store around the block. Surely, with so much in stock, they must have a great shoe for less money than you would find anywhere else. This however, is not true. More importantly, you will probably not find the personalized and professional service that you would find with a small store specializing in running shoes.

When you head to the store, be prepared to spend a decent amount of time with the salespeople. They are going to ask you a ton of questions about your running habits and will work with you to find the best possible pair of sneakers. They will ask you questions such as where do you do most of your running, do you run on a track, on a beach, on a trail, etc.? They will ask how long you typically run for and how often. They will also ask to see you run. This may seem embarrassing, however keep in mind that these people are professionals. By watching you run, they can determine if your feet are pronated, what your running style is, and how a pair of shoes could correct any imperfections in your run. They will also determine what size shoe you should be wearing, ensuring that there is a good amount of room for your foot as you run. They will most likely suggest that you purchase a pair of shoes one size larger than you normally would, this allows for extra room as your feet may swell during a run.

You will probably pay somewhere around $100 for your running shoes. While this may seem high if you are used to buying your sneakers at a discount store, the benefits to your feet and to your run will more than make up for the price. Not hurting yourself or causing damage in the future is worth spending a bit more up front.

So find your local running store, your feet will thank you.