Sports Program Books, Custom Calendars, Free Printing and Your School’s Fundraisers

30%. That’s the difference today’s schools are seeing in their sports budgets. That’s 30% less to spend on new equipment, 30% less to spend on transportation and 30% less that’s going to give our kids a complete high school experience. It’s also 30% more reason athletic boosters need to get the most out of their fundraisers. Tune in to find out how custom calendars, sports program books and free printing can turn school fundraisers around.

Sports Program Books

Does your school have sports program books? For those of you who don’t, these little books are a tremendously powerful fundraising tool for your school. The pages can be filled with pictures of your teams, with custom spots reserved for your seniors, your captains and those random snapshots that really need to be shared.

Then, invite local businesses to be a part of your school’s fundraisers. Leave space on each page and in the back of the book specifically for businesses to purchase ad space. Have your students go around and sell that advertising space for a reasonable fee, then put the money from your ads and selling the books at games back into your school’s sports budget.

Custom Calendars

Calendars and sports fundraisers don’t usually go hand in hand-until they do. The nice thing about calendars is their practicality. Almost everyone sitting in the bleachers at your games and competitions is going to buy a calendar for the year at one point or another, and with a little bit of designer savvy you can make that work for you by filling the pages with your sports schedule, ads from local businesses and yes, pictures of your kids and selling them to friends and family.

These make a fun little souvenir for your team to look back on in August, when hitting the ice each day for hockey practice is nothing but a distant memory.

Free Printing?

The best thing about selling advertising space in your custom calendars and sports program books is that if you can keep the design costs low, you can print them for free-more or less. The advertising you do can cover the cost of printing the books, leaving the money you make selling them throughout the season as pure profit for you and your team.

Will you always be able to print your books for free? It depends on where you live and how many businesses you can get involved. But it’s been done, and with some selling savvy (and some tricks to keep your overhead low) you can do it too.

The bottom line is, your kids deserve to enjoy everything there is to enjoy about their high school experience. That’s impossible without the funding you need to keep your programs up and running, and sports program books, custom calendars and savvy selling can make that funding a reality.