Kinect Reviews: Insider Review Of The Kinect

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If you’ve never read any Kinect reviews, you’re in for a treat. It might be the best gaming peripheral developed since somebody thought to use a mouse to control a character. But you’re not a mouse, and like all the people who buy Kinect (which you’ll probably want to soon), you’ll discover a whole new way to play every game your Xbox touches. While using your body might sound like a bad pickup line straight out of Leisure Suit Larry, it’s really a whole new way to get into the game in a very literal sense of the word.

First, the Kinect reviews may not all tell you this, but it’s actually a two part system. The main part that gets people’s attention is the scanner at the front. All you do is stand in front of it, let it map you, and then you can get to playing almost immediately. The second part, which is almost as neat, is the fact that Kinect features a voice activation command for your media. If you don’t want to mess with a remote, you no longer have to do things like that. Who wants to be wasting their game time hunting around for that thing, anyway? Buy Kinect, and save some time that you could be using to brutalize the enemy… or help an adorable character rescue their friends.

Just think about what a sports game becomes when you buy Kinect. All the game reviews you read where the game is fun become just that much better when you, well, connect the Kinect to them. Kinect reviews don’t do justice to the level of immersion you can get out of your play. The only possible disadvantage you might face is if you get a wicked itch at a very inopportune time. Under international gamer rules, you don’t get a second try just because you fell off a cliff due to scratching.

If you have enough lotion to keep the game ending itches at bay, you will love what the Kinect does for your games. All in all, it makes pretty much every game you can think of better than it could ever be with just using your thumbs. If you’ve ever tried Kinect and you don’t end up buy Kinect, you must not like to move. If you know anywhere they have a Kinect available to play with, do it- you won’t want to go back- anything else feels like you’re paralyzed.