Inducing Lucid Dreams – 3 Tested and Proven Techniques

Lucid dreaming need not be a gift enjoyed by a select few. Anybody can induce a lucid dream and have the time of their lives instead of experiencing a passive night of hazy, half-remembered dreams. However, inducing lucid dreams is a process that requires time, patience and effort. You will have to train your body and mind for lucid dreaming. If you intend to take lucid dreaming seriously, here are three well-known techniques to help you induce a lucid dream.

1. Sleep in installments of ninety minutes

The normal human sleep cycle lasts for ninety minutes. You can enhance the quality of your sleeping and dreaming patterns by completing as many sleep cycles as possible. See that your sleep is not disrupted in the midst of a cycle. By doing this, you will not only to sleep well, but also recall your dreams better, a factor essential to induce a lucid dream.

2. Maintain a dream diary

You will not be able to have a lucid dream if you cannot recall your dreams. Keeping a dream dairy is one way of enhancing the quality of dream recall.

Most people don’t remember their dreams. At the most, people have hazy memories that never last for more than a few minutes. In lucid dreaming, dream control is essential. That’s why you must first learn to remember your dreams.

Keep a notebook and a pencil by your bed. Immediately on waking up, make a note of your dreams. As the days pass, you will be able to remember your dreams down to the tiniest detail. This is the best way to ‘train’ the mind to remember dreams and have lucid dreams.

3. Check whether you are dreaming

As you progress, you will find that your dreams have become vivid, clear, and seem very real. Now is the time to become aware that you are dreaming.

So, how do you find out for sure whether you are dreaming or awake? The best way is to have a look at your wrist watch. Watches never work in dreams; they work only in real life. So, if your watch has stopped, you can safely conclude that you are in a dream. In other words, you are having a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming is not rocket science. Any human individual capable of sleeping is also capable of having a lucid dream. Follow these simple techniques that have worked for so many people. They are sure to work for you too, provided you are persistent.