A Cleaner Way To Make Money

Are you looking to supplement your income? Looking for a new way to make money? Want to start your own business? You can start earning money almost straight away with a cleaning job and gradually build your business until you have a team of contractors working for you pulling in profits.

Cleaning houses is becoming a very lucrative occupation with very little cash outlay and is a great way to earn the extra cash you need whilst building your own business. More and more women are going back into the work force creating the need for cleaners to help them maintain their homes.

One of the first things to do is, know your market. Find out what cleaning companies are charging the homeowner to clean by the hour, remembering that eventually you will have to pay your contractors yet still make money yourself. Many agencies charge an agency fee to the home owner, a small fee on top of the hourly rate. Working out how long each job would take you is a simple matter of cleaning your own home and timing each room. At the end, you will have a good idea. Once you have a pricing structure in place, the next thing to do is work out how you can acquire clients.

If you are handy on a computer you can make your own flyers advertising your services, list the services you provide such as home and office cleaning and include ironing if you are prepared to do it. Don’t forget to list both your phone and mobile numbers. These flyers can be pinned up on community notice boards, distributed to local businesses and indeed popped into mail boxes. Let all the people you come in contact with know what you do. Keeping track of clients can be done by setting up a database on your computer or using a notebook to record their details. Be sure to book one off jobs around your regular cleans.

Once you have your first clients all you need to get started is a vacuum cleaner, mop and bucket, some clean rags and some basic cleaning chemicals, most of which you would have at home anyway. Allow your earnings from your first few jobs to purchase any extras you may need, paying attention to the cost and the length of time it lasts so you can work cost effectively. Some clients prefer you to use their chemicals which is a bonus for you.

Doing a thorough job will bring repeat business. Always be punctual, clean and tidy with a smile on your face. It may pay you to decide on a colour for T-shirts early on and purchase a few cheap ones to promote a professional look.

As your business grows you can advertise for staff using flyers as before words like “I need fastidious cleaners to help run my business”. At this point it is vital they produce strong references which you must check thoroughly. You are sending these people into the homes of YOUR clients.

At this stage your business will warrant a chat with your accountant regarding tax matters and a lawyer so you can organize agreement to protect you and your contractors. All this means that your business is an ongoing concern and should continue to grow.