Designing and Decorating Hallways

The most neglected part of your well decorated house is the hallway. You have a set of modern furniture and fixtures to design your living room, bed room and kitchen. But how to make a boring long hallway interesting is a big question. You can’t put furniture in your hallway. It is meant only to connect the entrance with the living room or sometimes the living room with the bed room or kitchen. Still a long narrow hallway makes the journey dull and boring.

A simple tasteful design can change your hallway abruptly. The following advices may help to make a difference:

o Let the walls speak: Decorate the walls with a couple of family photos in a stylish manner. Or simple stencil your favorite quotation on the wall which can put an impact on your mood every time you pass through your hallway. You can also hang a piece of stitch work or a painting on the walls. But make it a point; the walls should not be overcrowded.

o Shades of joy: If you don’t like to put photos in the hallway walls, simply color them in a messy way to give a multi colored look. Or give your kids the freedom to do the job for you.

o Place a small table near the door only if there is enough space to walk even after putting the table. Keep a beautiful candle, a showpiece or a piece of art on the table. Keep a small vase and put some fresh flowers in it.

o Keep your hallway lighted preferably by sunlight. If you already have a window, that will serve your purpose. A skylight window will also do pretty well. If not, hang a decorative light fixture from the ceiling. It will definitely catch the eyes of the visitors.

o A hallway is never complete without a runner. Put chair rail all along the length of the hallway to give it a visual depth. Choose a floral design or an exotic design for the runner or simply color it bright.

o In case if you have a smaller hallway, fix a mirror in one wall to give it a bigger look.

o A small shoe rack with 3 to 4 nice pairs of shoes can be kept near the entrance. If you have a huge stock of shoes and boots its advisable to build a wall unit to accommodate all your shoes together.

o Select an eye catching longitudinal design for the flooring of your hallway, preferably in a pale shade.

o Keep the door entrance clean and beautiful. Do not throw rubbish outside the door. A couple of pots in either side of the doorway look good in the eyes of the visitor.

o Believe in simplicity. The most important aspect of a hallway is its cleanliness. Take out a few moments from your schedule to keep the rooms and the hallway clean and organized. A simple clean look adds more value than a messy decoration.