College Success

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Is going back to school or applying to school an option you have tumbling around but you’re not quite sure it’s for you or if it is even worth your time? If so I know exactly what you are thinking because I felt the same way before I went to school. I also know that when trying to make an important decision like this I find it helps to hear from others experiences and get someone else’s perspective before making up my mind. So I thought to help you out and maybe give you the little bit of extra incentive you may need I would tell you a story about a woman I know and the success she had with going back to school after many years of being away.

I love this woman’s story because it really inspires me to know that even at an older age this woman knew her potential and gave it her all to really improve her future. I will give you a little background on her first. She and her husband owned their own business for many years and were quite successful. She attended school as a young girl but because she made the decision to be a stay at home mom and help with their families business she never finished. Unfortunately, as it sometimes goes, their business began to fail and they had some problems with partners in the company. They had to make the hard decision to close their business after 30 years. They were left nearly at the age of retirement, basically having to start all over. Her husband’s health was not the best so she made the courageous decision to go back to school and finish her nursing degree.

At first it was difficult for her to get back into the rhythm of schooling but soon she was flying through the courses and absolutely loving it. When she graduated she said she wished she had done this so many years earlier. Now she is has a very stable career and is able to support her and her husband, not to mention she loves what she does and isn’t even dreaming of retiring any time soon. This woman saw the great importance of gaining an education and knew that the only way she could really provide a good income would be to go back to school and finish her degree. I am so happy to hear inspiring stories like these. Maybe I will be writing about your story next. Make the next step to improving your future by applying to school and ensuring a stable and successful career.