How GPS Nation Systems Work

GPS, known as Global Positioning System, are also referred to sometimes as navigators or navigation systems. These navigation systems relay signals to the earth through 24 active satellites. These signals will then be passively received by a GPS receiver or GPS navigators. The receiver should be positioned in a clear area – that which is free from buildings and even tall trees. However, it does not mean that you would not be able to use GPS inside cars, houses or buildings but rather, with the presence of these obstructions, only a weak signal will be transmitted to you by the satellites – making it more difficult to trace your exact location.

This GPS system though is based on what is called the Principle of Triangulation wherein the signals sent by the satellites are triangulated and then received by GPS navigators or any GPS receiver. This receiver must be able to pick up a minimum of 3 signals that would then be used to calculate the distance between the satellites and the receiver itself. Hence, one’s exact location will now be known. Thus, the more satellite signals are picked up, the better and more accurate will your location be.

The satellites carry atomic clocks that would be useful for the receiver to know when exact signals are relayed. Actually, satellites are designed in such a way that there are at least four signals that are transmitted on the earth, making data received more effective and accurate. Commercial GPS navigators however can receive signals from 12 satellites.

These 24 active satellites that orbit the earth for 12 hours are managed by the US Department of Defense because GPS is actually first invented by the US Air Force for its military purposes. But in time, GPS has been widely used by people all over the world. There are now millions of GPS units sold around the world.

With the GPS system around, there will be no getting lost during travels and thus, navigation will be more accurate. A GPS device is versatile, easier to update and very convenient to carry. In time, it will be just like cell phones- a technological development that would surely be very common in everyday life. With a personal navigation system, you will able to customize maps and at the same time plot different points of interest- which indeed will be very interesting and at the same time, a lot easier.