Itching Moles and Moles That Are Cancerous – How to Tell? How to Remove?

Moles can be removed by natural home therapies using everyday substances. However, mole removal is something that one should approach with caution. Why? – Because it is moles which, on occasions, can turn and become skin cancers, or even the dreaded form of skin cancer called “melanoma”.

Usually, moles are round or oval spots. They are always darker than the surrounding skin and are dark brown to a light shade of pinkish-brown. They seem slightly raised, or flat. The harmless variety of moles should not change over the years, meaning that they should not perceptibly grow, or change colour, or become spotted. ‘Healthy’ moles are of uniform colour throughout, and their edge is sharply defined. Also, they should not itch, although itching could be due to rubbing against a piece of clothing or to some other natural cause.

In the case of moles, a visit to a skin specialist (dermatologist) should precede any home treatment – if that is the intention. This is essential for getting certainty about the lesion, whether it is a mole or something else.. If the specialist finds the mole totally normal, one gets the option to leave it alone or to remove it. Often, dermatologists want to assure themselves that the lesion is totally benign. In that case, they take a small sample of the mole, called a biopsy, and send it to a specialist laboratory for examination. This is not a painful procedure; one merely feels something resembling a pinprick.

When it is finally decided to remove the mole, often just for cosmetic reasons, there is a choice between basic self-treatment at home or removal by the skin specialist. Of the various options open for specialist treatment, the quickest and least painful procedure is the removal by laser. Your dermatologist may only mention it in the last place, simply because it is the most expensive treatment available.

Laser removal usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes and the mole disappears, leaving almost no visible sign that it was there in the first place. Some discoloration of the skin may happen; this is just temporary and it disappears within a short time. The specialist may suggest a cream to help with the colour problem.

In case the The dermatologist may recommend a better option such as cryosurgery, which means the freezing of the mole using liquid nitrogen. There is an even more drastic treatment for deep moles: it is the surgical excision (cutting out), which is a painful procedure usually performed under local anaesthetics.

With benign moles, one may also proceed with a safe, natural therapy. Some highly effective self-treatments are possible in the home without medical supervision, using harmless, natural substances, such as those found around the home or purchased from pharmacies without prescription. A popular example is the curative effect of apple cider vinegar, when applied to the mole using a cotton ball soaked in the vinegar. Treatment time is about 10 minutes several times a day until the lesion disappears entirely.

There are manifold advantages of such natural home therapies; privacy, cost and no scarring are just a few examples worth mentioning. It is worth reading up on this subject, as there are many advantages in using the right substance and application methods for getting the best outcome for the individual’s skin type and body chemistry.

I have made a thorough study of this subject and my electronic “eBook”, written in straightforward everyday language, is readily available from my website.