The Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

It was a little more than a year ago that I discovered I had a problem. I arose from bed that particular Sunday morning and headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. It was immediately clear to me that something was wrong when I noticed that the color of the stream was red, and indication that I had blood in my urine. I monitored the condition throughout the remainder of the day, noticing no improvement. On Monday morning I immediately called the doctor and scheduled an appointment for later that morning.

During my visit, the doctor performed a variety of tests, gave me a script for antibiotics and commented that the office would contact me as soon as possible with the test results. I was told that blood in the urine is usually caused by either kidney stones or a cancerous bladder. Since I was not experiencing any type of pain, the early assumption was that I probably had a cancerous tumor. Hearing the word cancer was obviously quite disturbing to me and my family. There is something very finite and final about that word.

Upon receiving the test results I was referred to a urologist. He performed a series of additional tests which ultimately included a cystoscopy, a test that sent a minute camera into the bladder to look for the tumor. This test reaffirmed all previous assumptions, as the tumor was readily visible to both the doctor and me on the adjoining monitor. What followed was a lecture on this type of cancer, the need for surgery to remove it, the vulnerability of the growth reoccurring, and the necessity of after surgery treatments like chemotherapy. All of this was not assuring to me. It’s as if life is over for you, as you once knew it.

One of the benefits we have today is the capability of using the Internet to do research on a subject. I began a serious and deliberate search on-line to learn more about this type of cancer and some of the treatments that were available. Certainly many of the leads in this search pattern led me to such sites as the American Cancer Society, medical journals blogs and, to some extent, homeopathic cures or solutions. Never being one to fully believe in what the Government, the FDA, or those connected in one form or another with Government endorsed or affiliated research has to say, my search began to lean more toward some of the homeopathic solutions that were available. It was here that I stumbled on Hydrogen Peroxide as a potential cure for this deadly disease. The more I read about the benefits of h2o2 therapy, the more I became convinced that this was not only a logical but realistic solution to curing or preventing future cancerous growths within my body.

I learned in my research that tumors grow within the body because of an oxygen deficiency. Ingesting hydrogen peroxide into your system at safe and recommended levels increases the level of oxygen within the body which prevents the formation or growth of the tumors. In addition, h2o2 also prevents or alleviates a host of additional ailments and diseases the body can acquire from many internal or external sources. For further information on such benefits please visit this website:

I went forward with the surgery which was quickly scheduled, a mere two weeks after the visit to the urologists. It was an outpatient ordeal where I went in at noon and back home by six the same day. The surgery and the recovery were both uneventful. The following day I began my h2o2 ingestion regime.

When I returned to the urologist a few weeks later for my post-op visit, I told the doctor that I was refusing chemotherapy treatments, relying instead on the h2o2 therapy. He told me to “Go for it”, and that he would see me in four months to review progress.

On my return visit I was greeted with the fact that they would perform another cystoscopy to determine the current condition of my bladder. The doctor was amazed that he could not even find a scar where he had removed the tumor from the bladder wall. My bladder was fully healed and healthy, with no sign of recurring tumor growth. A follow up visit was scheduled for six months later, where the same test was preformed, with similar results.

I continue to take the h2o2 as a prevention measure. My daily dose is a mere 15 drops in a small glass with my morning juice. It is certainly painless and cheap prevention.

One of the additional side benefits I soon noticed was that the arthritic pain in my left thumb had gone away. Prior to beginning the regime, the pain was such that I could barely hold a pen, (I’m left handed) nor open a jar or lid by twisting. And after my wife began taking the product, she soon obtained similar results with the arthritic pain in her back and shoulder.

We began discussing and introducing our h2o2 success with our friends and family. One friend in particular had throat and lung cancer in the latter stages. He was given three months or less to live with Hospice ready to step in and take over. He began taking the drops and the tumor(s) began shrinking. I spoke with him recently and the tumors had decreased in size to the point that his life is no longer in danger. His oncologist could not believe the turn around. His next follow up visit is six months away.

Another friend of ours had arthritis so bad that it was becoming impossible for him to work at his trade. He could not use or hold the tools he needed in his work. Walking was also a major issue for him. Within a matter of a few weeks, the pain was gone. He wrote me an email a few weeks ago telling me that he and his daughter had just completed a five mile hike together, something he could not have done a couple of months ago. Needless to say he’s elated.

Hydrogen Peroxide therapy is nothing new. It has been around for hundreds of years, and in several European countries, Cuba and elsewhere, its treatments and benefits are commonly prescribed by doctors. One can read or hear that ingesting h2o2 is dangerous. This is a common misnomer, since in fact most drugs can be dangerous if not properly taken. Frankly, the non-acceptance of h2o2 therapy by the medical profession here in the US, is one of money. If such treatments could cure even the greater percentage of cancer patients, think what would happen to all of the cancer related hospitals and research facilities, the Susan B. Anthony breast walks, the promoters and others who make money off of the misery of others. It’s a billion dollar industry. And consider that under Obamacare, such patients may ultimately be cast aside and left to die, because the treatments are ultimately too expensive to cover?

Probably one of the best things about Hydrogen Peroxide therapy is the cost. More than a year ago I purchased a quart of the 35% food grade product form a Florida source over the Internet for $18.00 a bottle. We’re still using the same bottle today. Note that this is a different form of h2o2 that varies from the type sold at your local drugstore. Drug stores sell 3%, non food grade products which are decidedly different.

Take time to read the information on the link I attached above. Learn all the wonderful benefits this product has to offer. Realize that under nationalized health care we may have to be more responsible for our individual health and that of our family. Take this step now to learn more about this wonderful product. It could save your life or that of another.

If after careful thought and consideration you decide to purchase the product, you might try this seller: To your health!