Importance of Regularly Grooming Your Pet

The Alma City Hotel, Chania – opdaterede priser for 2024
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It’s not hard to shrug off that appointment to the dog groomers this weekend. After all, you could always take the dog to the groomer next month, or the month after that. There’s no hurry really.

Unfortunately, demanding work schedules and minimal free time often make it easy to forget how important it is to maintain a regular grooming schedule for your pets.

To ensure the health and vitality of your pets, here are some tasks that need to be performed regularly.

Tear ducts

Make sure to keep tabs on crust build-up in the corners of your dog’s eyes. This crust can cause irritating eye sores for your dog if heavy build-up occurs.


Overgrown nails can make walking uncomfortable and painful for pets, and potentially lead to arthritis problems in the hip and leg areas.

Anal glands

Periodic grooming of the anal glands is recommended. Infection in these glands is a common problem for dogs and cats. Licking the anal area or scooting along the floor are common signs associated with anal gland discomfort. If left untreated, these glands can burst, causing your pet severe pain and possibly surgery to remedy. Check with your dog groomer to see if they provide this service.

Hairy ears and behinds

Hairs are known to develop deep within a dog’s ear canal. Make sure to pull out these hairs on a monthly basis to prevent ear infections. In addition, the anal area is also known to sprout up hairs that can serve as a hosting area for flea nests if not maintained.


Giving your dog a bath is good for hygiene upkeep. How often you should do it depends on the breed of your dog. Consult your groomer for suggestions on the best washing methods and how often you should bathe your dog. Don’t forget to make sure to properly dry your dog when giving it a bath during the colder seasons.


While brushing your dog can be a tedious and mundane task, it is something that needs to be done on a consistent basis. The benefits of brushing regularly are bountiful. It helps distribute natural oil in the fur, provides an opportunity to check for new and unusual lumps on the body, is a good method for discovering any emerging flea and tick infestations, and is a good way to find matted hair needing removal. Brushing daily when you first get your dog will help acclimate it to the process. Brushing gently and cutting out any tangles or knots will also help ease your pet’s grooming aversions.

Making sure these tasks receive proper attention will enhance your pet’s quality of life. However, remembering to do these tasks regularly is the key. If you have any apprehension about your ability to maintain your dog, consider setting up a regular pet grooming schedule with a professional groomer.