XBOX 360 Errors, Repairs & Fixes – The Hidden Error Codes – Fix Your XBOX 360 Within an Hour!

Well, we all know the XBOX 360 has it’s faults but like most things there are both the hidden and the obvious problems. There are your primary error codes which are determined by the amount of red lights flashing, and secondary codes…

Secondary error codes can be determined by a “hidden” error code based on the series in which the lights flash. These “codes” are related to the RRoD.

Turn the XBOX 360 on, and wait till the 3 red lights are flashing:

* Press and hold the sync up button (the small white one), while holding that button press the eject button.

* The LED’s will now blink the first number in the code (as described below).

* Release the eject button and press it again.

* The LED’s will now blink the second number of the code.

* Release the eject button and press it again.

* The LED’s will now blink the third number of the code.

* Release the eject button and press it again.

* The LED’s will now blink the forth number of the code.

* Release the eject button and press it again.

* The LED’s will go back to the 3 red flashing lights.

How to find out the hidden error code:

* All four lights flashing – 0

* One light flashing – 1

* Two Lights flashing – 2

* Three lights flashing – 3

0001: Power Supply Problem

0002: Network Interface Problem

0003: Power Problem: Could be the PSU could be the GPU/CPU, somehow the console isn’t getting clean power from the power supply.

0010: Over Heating.

0011: Over Heating: If you are receiving this error after disassembling your console make sure to all 8 of the heat sink screws are tightened securely to the board/heat sink holes.

0012: Over Heating.

0013: Over Heating.

0021: DVD Drive Time out – Can be caused by problems with a firmware flash. This is also speculated to sometime be caused by a problem with the south bridge chipset on the motherboard.

0022: GPU Error / GPU Overheating.

0102: Unknown Error:

* Though it’s most likely GPU related literally means the console does not know what is wrong. possibly a short or cold solder joint somewhere. So far there is 1 major theory for what causes most of these errors is that the Ram, CPU, or GPU are not soldered properly to the mother board due either to poor manufacturing or excessive heat up and cool down cycles that stress, weaken and eventually break the soldered connection. Want a fix? See below 0103: CPU Error/ CPU Overheating – See solution for error 0102.

0110: Memory Error / Memory Overheating – See solution for error 0102.

1003: Hard Drive Error: It could be a problem with the Hard Drive itself or a problem with the internal connection to the hard drive, Try removing the hard drive and playing without it

1010: Hard Drive Error: Can be caused buy a corrupt or missing eProm.

1022: AV cable error: There is a problem with the AV cable, try using a different AV cable. (could also be a problem with the encoder chip).

1023: DVD drive not connected, connect DVD drive to boot.