7 Druid Cataclysm Class Changes

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The shapeshifters in World of Warcraft, the Druid has become an “on again off again” class. While there are several different pieces to the complete puzzle, sometimes gamers get board with the various specs available. We believe this will change, and it really already has due to the Cataclysm 4.0.1 patch.

Here are 7 changes to the Druid class:

1. Efflorescence

If you’re a Resto Druid you will gain this new talent. Whenever your target gets a crit heal from you, a bed of flowers (or flora), will spruce up. We’re not sure yet if the target moves out of the bed, whether or not they will lose any additional heals.

2. Nature’s Torrent

This will help Balance Druids provide biggest DPS since it will unleash Nature damage, Arcane Damage, or both. You will also have the opportunity to utilize an Improved option later on that offers a movement decrease over a 10 second period.

3. Eclipse

This will no longer be a talent, but a large part of the Druid class.

4. HoTs

One major change to the HoTs was the ability to get more crit and haste within them. However, it’s important to understand if you have haste added it means your duration is longer, not quicker. This could be a huge help when playing in PvP mode or around the Arenas.

5. More Buttons

Whether you’re in cat or bear form, Blizzard wants to make the game a bit more challenging for you. For instance; feral cats need some sort of interruption ability, while bears should have more than one thing to push when tanking. The point is; they want you to have more fun playing this class.

6. Abolish Poison…

GONE!- Yep, you won’t see this anymore, but the Restos will gain a Dispel Magic much like the Priests. Keep in mind, Blizzard still isn’t doing anything with Cure Poison and Remove Curse, so this makes it a bit more beneficial to you.

7. Upcoming Additions

There are 3 new abilities associated with the Druid once Cataclysm is released. You start off with Thrash at level 81, which causes all targets to bleed for every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. It probably doesn’t seem like much, but it’s another option when you’re in bear form.

Once you hit level 83 you have the opportunity to train for the Stampeding Roar ability. This increases the movement speed of anyone in your group within 10 yards by 40%. Keep in mind; it only lasts 8 seconds. Also remember there is a 3 minute cooldown as well. When you reach level 85 you can train for the Wild Mushroom. This is a lot like the Hunter’s traps, except it’s an invisible (after 4 seconds) mushroom that detonates.

There are several changes to the Druid class we didn’t even touch. Unfortunately there will be more along the way, which is why it’s important to keep up with what Blizzard has done so far. So read up on your class as much as possible. Soon you will see even more changes when Cataclysm is released.