A Poetic Sketch On – A’isha Bint Abu Bakr

To my understanding Muhammad the Prophet, had 13-wives.

Aisha was his 3rd, and very, very, very young; she was, said to

have been nine-years old, and the only virgin. Sawda, his second,

so it is said, yet there is a belief out there Aisha may have been his

second instead, but did not make love to her until after He wed Sawda,

being so very, very, very young ((`A´isha Bint Abu Bakr)(she who lives))

`A´isha Bint Abu Bakr: mother of believers: so it was, in older times,

one often married to strengthen ties, with families, clans, with other

armies, and kingdoms, and so it has been suggested, Muhammad did

just that, similar to Alexander the Great.

Aisha, lived with her parents to the age of nine, when the marriage

was consummated. Thus, after the wedding, it is said, Aisha continued

to play with her toys, in Median, in 622 AD.

It seems history records she was his most favoured wife, and he received

most of his revelations when she was in his presence. And even though

it might have been motivated for other reasons, they did become fond of

each other, and blessed by heaven.

It has been also said, Aisha had gone looking for her necklace, one

Morning, and her caravan had taken off, left her behind, unnoticed,

and soon after a stranger found her, brought her back to the caravan, and

was thereafter was called an adulater, until that is, until Muhammad

got a new revelation, from heaven, clearing her of any such charges.

After Muhammad’s death in 632 AD, at the age of 62, Aisha’s father became

the leader of the people, the new found religion, Islam, but his leadership

was to be a short run, only two years, and he gave it to Umar; whom ruled

for ten years, and was followed by another leader, thereafter.

End Note: It would seem, or at least it does to me, Aisha, was a learned woman, who-throughout her remaining years-gave stories to the Muslim world about her husband. Of her own time she must had been quite valuable as a historian. She is now of course, revered as a model for Islamic Woman. She also raised an Army, and fought against Ali, her step-son in-law. She was quite a woman indeed.

#2260 2-16-2008