Secrets for Growing Great Wine Grapes

Ask anyone who grows grapes and they will tell you that it is a long and difficult process to produce quality wine. Follow these tips and you will be amazed at how delicious your wine turns out.

1. Check with the local horticultural society to see which grapes are best to plant in your area before planting anything. Grape plants often take years to bear fruit, and it’s best to know ahead of time if your crop will turn out so you can avoid wasting time.

2. If you purchase grape rootstock you should soak the roots in water for a day so they don’t dry out. Then, dig a shallow trench to keep them in until the vine can be permanently placed.

3. Plant your grapes in an area where they will get plenty of sunshine throughout the day. Grapes need A LOT of sunshine, so makes sure they’re planted in the sunniest plot you can manage.

4. Make sure you leave at least 8 feet between each vine when planting the rootstock, as grapes need ample room to grow and flourish.

5. You will need to train your vines on a trellis to insure they grow evenly. You may need to move them around a lot at first to keep them growing right.

6. Have you ever wondered why you often see grape vines planted on a slope? This is because it provides optimal drainage. In order for the grapes to grow properly, the vines need to be planted in an area where the roots have good drainage.

7. Grape plants don’t need a lot of watering, but in the dry seasons (Spring and Summer, depending on the amount of rain) grape plants need to be watered at least once a week.

8. Stop watering once the grapes start to change color. They will not need to be watered again until Autumn, when the leaves fall off. Then, water once more just before the ground freezes to get the plants through the winter.

9. To protect your vines from birds and pests, use at least two different sized, overlapping nets to cover the plants. The first net should be a plastic bag like the ones potatoes come in. However for the second you will need to go to a gardening supply store and purchase a gardening net.

10. Pruning is the most important part of growing wine grapes. Plants will need to be pruned every year in early spring or late winter. If you neglect your pruning duties, the grapes will grow and ripen unevenly. However, pruning is a very delicate process and all beginners should research the process before trying it out for the first time.

11. When the grapes begin to ripen, check the sugar and pH levels frequently to get the perfect crop. Again, do plenty of research on your particular strain of grape and proper levels to be sure you know what you’re doing. This also depends on what your particular tastes are and what kind of wine you’re making.