Worm Win32 Netsky – What it is and How to Fix It

Email communication has become the standard for the large majority of people. It is not just used for social networking but by large corporations, universities, and even nonprofit organizations as the preferred means of communication. Not, to mention, many people use it as a way to conduct their personal business of paying bills and purchasing products. Since email is now so common and popular, there are also some risks involved in relying so heavily on its performance.

The biggest risk that computer users take when accessing their email is that of exposing their computer to harmful unwanted viruses. Most people take the little Windows message box that pops up warning them about unsecured attachments for granted. The box asks, “are you sure you really want to open the attached file?” Further warning is given about only opening files if you know and trust the source they came from.

An example of an unwanted file that your computer warns you about is Worm Win32 Netsky. Only it is actually an email worm that is part of the Netsky family. You will not know before you open the file that the worm is attached. But, as soon as you click with your mouse to open the attachment Worm Win32 Netsky begins reeking havoc on your system.

First, this nasty worm goes through your email address book and begins to send emails to everyone you have stored there. This is how it spreads to other computers. Your friends and family could end up plagued with this same problem without you or them even knowing it.

Of course, Worm Win32 Netsky is nice enough to notify you that it has invaded your computer. But don’t be fooled. This is all part of the show. Pop up windows will begin to open on your computer uncontrollably. You Internet browser will open to designated websites promoting software to help rid you of the worm. Warning! These are malware. That means they don’t really work and are just a way for scammers to get your money and personal information.

Additionally spyware remover icons and automatic scans of your computer will begin as a way to promote more fraudulent products. Do not click to protect your computer, as the messages will advise. Again, these are only attempts to get your money and personal information.

Now that you are totally freaked out about Worm Win32 Netsky, there is some good news. You can get rid of the worm either by manually uninstalling it from your computer of downloading software to remove it.

To remove the worm manually go to Start—Settings—Control Panel—Add or Remove Programs. Find the program named Worm Win32 Netsky. Highlight it and then click remove. Finally, delete any unwanted icons from your desktop and empty the recycle bin.

If you choose to go the software route to fix your worm infestation, do a search for the software called SmitFraudFix. This software should take care of the worm and help you to restore your system to its previous state.