English as a Foreign Language Teachers Wet and Wild in Acapulco

More, Still More in Acapulco for English as a Foreign Language Teachers

So, you want even more of what’s to see and do in Acapulco during your travels? A weekend retreat in Acapulco is just what the doctor ordered after a hectic week of teaching English as a foreign language in Mexico City or environs, Cuernavaca, Taxco or Chilpancingo Guerrero state’s capitol city.

What else to do?

You can get WET, that’s what!

Besides the miles of picture-perfect beaches fronting the city, Acapulco is a water sports and activities capitol. There are numerous cruises, tours, outings, day excursions and fishing trips to be had.

For instance:

The touring yacht “AKA TIKI” has Margarita, Sunset and moonlight cruises around Acapulco Bay. Daytime “Margarita” cruises begin at 11:00 am, lasting to around three in the afternoon. Sunset cruises shove off about 4:00 pm, staying out until 7:00 pm. The “Moonlight” cruise for true nightowls (or romantics) departs at 10:30 pm, creeping back in as the clock strikes one. Reservations: 484 – 6140 or 484 – 6786, 484 – 3893 FAX

Photo: Here’s a quick look at the AKA TIKI cruise vessel in Acapulco harbor.

Then there’s the delightful Parque Aquatico CICI along La Costera near Playa Icacos. Here you can get wet in any number of imaginative – or not so imaginative – ways. Dive in, jump in, slide in, swing in or just fall into the crystalline blue waters to cool off and have fun. There are performing dolphins you can play with, swim with and touch, and the “Sky Coaster” that lets you experience “a sensation similar to a dive from the cliffs of La Quebrada”. Your body starts from 100 feet up and reaches speeds of nearly 80 miles an hour! For a preview check out their website at: [http://www.cici-acapulco.com.mx]

The park’s open 365 days a year and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. You can also call for the latest, and seasonal, prices at 484 – 1970 or 481 – 0294.

Acapulco’s Cliff Divers

It virtually goes without saying you’ll go to see the world-famous “Clavistas” of Acapulco: the men and boys who risk life and limb to dive from dizzying heights into waters of uncertain depth for the adulation of the crowds (and a few pesos in hand). Yes, divers can be injured or even killed, but fortunately, this is rare.

Several day and weekend trips are possible from “fun city”, should you need some extra diversion. Pie De La Cuesta is among the foremost for those who genuinely need to relax and escape the hustle and bustle Acapulco’s heavy tourist traffic generates. You can swim, sail or languish on an empty, sugar-colored beach, scuba dive, water ski and even go fishing in salt or fresh water – minus the crowds and stratospheric prices. And all this, mind you, for the price of a large bag of potato chips back home. Interested?