Is Your Teenager Using Drugs?

It is very difficult to see a teenager using drugs. They have their whole life ahead of them and it only takes one bad choice to change the way the rest of their life plays out.

As a parent it is your responsibility to go to your child and face them head on with your concerns. In dealing with teenagers using drugs it is always best to attempt a sincere discussion about your suspicions. Hopefully in leading up to this time of his or her life you have developed a close bond in which they can freely talk about any issue, whether it’s sex or drugs. They should know about the consequences and the dangers of drug use. You do not want to alienate them but you want them to know about drug safety and of course you want them to be happy in the future.

Of course they can deny, get angry and not trust you any longer. If you suspect your teenager is using drugs and there is no open dialogue you may want to make an appointment with your doctor or a psychologist to obtain information about how to approach the issue.

Each drug has its own warning signs and although there are some typical things to look out for, remember the signs don’t always mean your teenager is using drugs. Depression, anxiety, social pressures and just being a teenager can also contribute to the problems and unique issues of the teen years.

Alcohol, marijuana, methamphetamine’s or speed, ecstasy, prescription drugs, huffing chemicals are common drugs teenagers use. Some characteristic signs and symptoms can include;

–weight loss, or decreased appetite

–red bloodshot eyes

–pupils that are dilated

–consistent runny nose or continuous sniffing

–lethargy, apathy and chronic fatigue

–constant scratching


–attendance problems at school

–no interest in personal grooming

–change in behavior such as not interested in family activities or staying in room with no contact

–seclusion from family

–argumentative behavior, aggression

–disregard for rules

–group of friends change

–no interest in things that were important

–frequent accidents

–Sleeping too much or can not sleep

Paraphernalia varies depending on the drug, but if you notice small packets with powder in them, straws, blades used to “cut” powders and mirrors, teaspoons that are blackened from lighters, syringes and needles; chances are it is drug paraphernalia.

Do not ignore your suspicions and try to find some help in dealing with your teenager using drugs. You can not ignore these signs; you must confront the problem and get help so your teenager does not end up ruining their future.