Starting Your Journey Towards Better Fitness – What’s Holding You Back?

Starting your fitness journey isn’t easy. There are no magic pills, or no get fit quick programs that will make you fit overnight. It takes continuous work and effort to keep advancing forward.

If you are currently on your fitness journey, I congratulate you. You are taking steps towards leading a healthier life. If you have yet to start a fitness regimen, what is holding you back? Why haven’t you started?

Chances are, you probably have a reason why you haven’t been exercising. In my opinion any reason not to work out is an excuse. Excuses will keep you from living a healthier life, and they are a way to shift the blame from yourself.

When it boils down to it, the only reason you haven’t been exercising is because of you. No one else is to blame, and you can’t say you don’t have enough time. There is always time to exercise, and there is always a way to fit it into a schedule.

Excuses like, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” just delay and prevent you from getting anything done. After all, when tomorrow comes, the same excuse is often used. Someday never comes, so today is always the best day to start if you want change.

Don’t put it off any longer. It is hard to exercise, and it may bring you pain to start a fitness regimen. However, when you don’t do it, you are hurting yourself and your body, so the pain of exercising is worth overcoming.

Today you can begin your journey towards better fitness. In fact, as soon as you are done reading this article you can find a fitness program to start, or formulate your own. You can begin to eat healthier, and start making better decisions.

Starting can be the hardest part for many people. If starting isn’t hard enough, it is even harder for others to actually keep going. Many people eat well, and exercise well for a couple of days and then throw it all out the window and fall back into old habits.

It takes time to establish a habit. The idea is to continue to exercise and eat healthy, and if you fall off the horse for a day, instead of falling back to your old ways, jump back on the horse and keep trotting along. Don’t let a few days of unhealthy choices keep you from continuing your course. Stay on your journey towards better health and keep pushing forward, because the journey never ends.

It’s time to throw out the excuses and start today. What is holding you back from starting your journey towards better fitness?