Why Do You Suppose That So Many People Never Achieve Their Goals in Life?

Why do you suppose that so many people never achieve their goals in life?

The reason…

Because they never set goals or lack the motivation to take action.

Researchers found, that only one in five Americans who reach the age of 65 don’t depend on Social Security. Some people who do depend on social security include high-paying professions like doctors and lawyers.

Life is full of distractions, chaos and stress, leaving little time for most people to plan for the future. We work during the week and then spend our hard earned salary on the weekends. If you reflect, you may feel that you have wasted in money on items you don’t need, there is also the additional tiredness and loss of time from waiting in queues.

The weekend has gone, we are poorer and we are not relaxed.

You arrive into work on Monday morning, tired and stressed. You feel you need to look for another job, as you need more money to cover overspending. We don’t stop and plan or set goals, instead we hit the job sites looking for that ‘golden egg.’

What a great waste of a powerful, natural resource – the human mind.

Would it not be better to stop being a human ‘doing’ and be a human ‘being’? Taking time out to relax and regain control of your life.

Author of Psycho Cybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, says that once you set a goal your mind becomes more focused. Focusing will open your mind up to opportunities you may have normally missed. Your mind makes corrections so that you can stay on target. The more specific the goal is, the better the corrections are and more opportunities appear.

A point to remember, our brains can’t tell the difference between a real event that really took place and one that we imagined. So, if your goal is clear and firm, your brain will act as if it’s been achieved.

When did you last buy another car? You picked it up from the Dealership. You feel like a kid with a new toy, it’s a great feeling.

You’re focused fully on your new purchase, your mind’s recording all your thoughts and feelings.

What happens next??

The whole world’s driving your car!

Goal Setting

Take the time now to write a goal statement. Write it in the first person, using pronouns like “I,” “my,” “mine,” and “me.” Keep your goal statements short and to the point. Be emphatic. Be positive. For instance, “Today, I am improving my self-esteem with positive statements and positive actions.”

Remember the more specific you make your goals, the better your chance to achieve them. These following techniques may be helpful to you…

• Begin with your top level goals, those that are important.

• Break the top level goals into sub goals. These will build your long-range goals.

• Start with sub goals and set a timescale, such as a week or a month.

• Long-term goal timescale could be six months, one year, or five years.

• Using e a specific timeframe, it helps you measure your success.

• Set goals that inspire you, but that are also realistic and achievable. Set a series of goals so that you are going step-by-step. That way, it easier to adjust them as needed.

• Making goals manageable helps with your confidence and motivation.

• Share your goals with an individual or group who might have similar goals. It’s great reinforcement.

• Celebrate achievement of your goals with rewards.

• Keep your goals somewhere where you can access them easily.

• Guard your goals. Don’t share them with negative people who probably won’t encourage you. Share them with positive people who you know well and will support.

Don’t’ wait until you’re 65. Why don’t you start making use of it today?

Goal setting does require work, it’s a powerful and easy way to help you achieve want you want in life.

Take away

Start by listing down what you want in life.

Write goals down, buy a note book.

Think about SMART objectives –

Specific – avoid ‘I want more money’. Be specific ‘I want to earn £50000 per year.

Measureable – How will you know you’re in the right direction? How do you want to earn the £50K.

Agreed – Is it achievable

Realistic – Is it relevant.

Time – what is your timescale and how will you track progress.

For more practical tips go to http://www.slideshare.com/