7 Reasons Why People Choose Star Tattoos

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Star tattoos, popular unisex tattoos, are worn both by the male and female in this modern world of fashion. Some of the star designed tats are small nautical stars and are often worn by the women while some of them are considerably large and hence looks more masculine in their forms.

People who wear star tattoos often wear them for different symbolic reasons. While for some star tats are worn just for its twinkling 3D appearances; some others wears them to relate their lives with the different metaphoric meaning of the stars.

1. The main reason that many people get star tattoos is to make the star symbolize their spirit of determination in reaching a goal.

2. Another very common meaning of the star tat wearer’s interest in the design is the desire of the wearer to show his or her interest in celestial forms and astronomy. It is only when they intensely desire others to be aware of their singular interest they ink star tattoos on their skin. People who are into star gazing and consider it as one of their favourite hobbies also may ink their body with a star sign to show solidarity among their community friends.

3. Some people even adorn themselves with star tats when they want to signify some even or significant turning points in their lives. It can symbolise the wearer’s interest at adopting a religion or get married or decide to bring a change in his lifestyle and philosophical path etc.

4. In the ancient times even before the compass was invented, nautical star tattoos were worn by sailors as a part of their superstition believing that the symbol of a star would safely guide while they are on long voyages and bring them safely back to the port of their origin.

5. Nowadays star tattoos are still symbolized as a design to guide a person in the correct path and create a right direction in his/her life.

6. People who believe in Judaism consider the Star of David or a hexagram tattoo as a symbol of interconnection between the human body as well as the divine omnipotent One.

7. The pentagram which is also a 5 pointed star may symbolize something more philosophic in its origin. For some of its believers the 4 points of this star tattoo may symbolise the natural four elements i.e. wind, water, earth and fire, while the fifth, pointing to the top, may be symbolised as the eternal spirit i.e. the fifth element; that dwells inside the human soul.