10 Reasons For Buying a LCD TV

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Televisions are becoming more and more popular everyday. Now that many companies have worked out how to make these LCD TVs at a cheaper rate, more people can now get their hands on one.

Still some would say- “Why LCD TV?”, “What’s wrong with my CRT at home?” or “What more can I get from buying a new LCD TV?” If the same kind of thoughts is buzzing around your head, then you have come to the right place. I bet you will search for LCD TV prices right after you finish reading this article!

There are so many practical and strong reasons to buy a LCD TV. Let me list a few for you.

  • Higher resolution: LCD TV screen consists of millions of tiny square horizontally and vertically called pixels. Quality pixels are responsible for better coloring and a more crisp view of the content you are watching. Even if you don’t bother about details, one look at the LCD TV’s ability to render quality images will make you fall in love with it.
  • Clearer and brighter picture: Thanks to the flat screen of LCD TV rather than a curved one of a normal CRT’s, it can give you clear, bright and vibrant picture. Normal CRTs don’t work well in bright room and gives you a blurry look. Not with LCD TV. LCD TVs have backlights that give more light. You’ll get a lively image which will sooth your soul.
  • Slim and saves space: All credit goes to the Liquid Crystal Display system of the TV which takes no space at all. Its time for the old model TV which has an odd bump at the rear to get replaced by the new and strong LCD TV.
  • Viewing angle got better: Heard anything about bad viewing angle of LCD TV? Old news! The latest groups of LCD TVs of famous brands are going head to head with other types of latest technology based TV. Just make sure you buy new models from popular manufacturer.
  • Stylish, elegant, fashionable:  It doesn’t matter whichever room you keep it in, the look and feel of a LCD TV will make anybody envy you. It’s a must to build up your reputation among friends as a person of high taste.
  • Consumes less power and saves money: According to numerous tests, a LCD TV uses nearly 50% less energy than a Plasma or CRT. It surely will help you keep your utility bill down by a good margin.
  • No eyestrain- Remember your parents used to say- don’t watch TV for too long, your eyes will get damaged. No more! Unlike old CRTs, LCD TVs don’t flicker leaving your eyes unhurt.
  • HDTV compatibility: New LCD TVs are compatible with High Definition TV broadcast and gives a big edge over old CRTs. This will take your TV viewing to a whole new level.
  • ECO friendly: Now the LCD manufacturing companies are producing TVs that are certified as “low emission” units. These units are substantially low in electric and magnetic field emissions. Do some good for your environment too!
  • Value for money: The fierce competition has pulled the price of LCD TV down and made the manufacturers install many new and exciting features. Many experts tend to give a perfect 10 to LCD TVs now.

These reasons were more than enough to get my friend to buy a new LCD TV for his house. Don’t keep yourself deprived of the beauty and wonder what the latest technology is offering you.